Installing home assistant on a HP ProDesk 400 G3

I am new to the community. Moving from smartthings. I was initially planning to install Home assistant on a raspberry pi 4, but then moved on from that and bought a HP ProDesk 400 G3 with I5 7500t processor and 16GB of RAM.

I would like to use Proxmox and build couple of VM’s on it with 1 hosting home assistant. Can you please let me know how many cores and memory I should be allocating to Home Assistant?

Also would you recommend running it on a VM or on containers? I currently have around 60 smart devices I will be integrating.

Two cores are fine. Memory depends on how much you can spare and what kind of additional AddOns you run. 3G, 4G should be plenty.
I usually run most of my stuff in Linux Containers but HomeAssistant is still a VM. There is a script that just creates you a VM with HomeAssistantOS. Runs great!
Edit: Forgot to link the script… Installing Home Assistant OS using Proxmox 8


Thanks for the info. In that case I will run HA on a VM with 4GB. The script is very helpful… looks like I don’t have to sftp the files and fiddle with the UI :).