Installing Home Assistant on a RPi 4b with SSD boot

Can you recommend one? I seem to be having this problem. Using the official 3A power supply but anytime I plug another USB device my server goes crazy. Will the “Raspberry Pi 27W USB-C Power Supply” on Pi hut solve the problem for a Pi 4b?

I use a USB hub with it’s own power supply. No issues with my SSD (or anything thing else) connected to the pi or hub. I have the Powered USB Hub, RSHTECH USB 3 Hub with 4 USB 3.0 Data Ports + 1 USB Fast Charging Port, USB Splitter with 24W(12V/2A) Power Adapter and Individual On/Off Switches.

I see. That’s a nifty way of avoiding the problem. Unfortunately I am Using a NESPi 4 case and the SSD is supplied from the Pi’s power supply. I am getting another power adapter. I have a powered USB hub but that will be for anything else I connect to the Pi.

If someone is looking for a way within Rasberry OS. With the SSD already connected. Here is the way and you have to follow this guide just after Check the EEPROM version

  • Download the current Image HAOS like

  • Find your SSD with
    Mine was called sda .

  • Use xzcat and dd to write the image to the SSD, even with progress :wink:
    xzcat haos_rpi4-64-11.3.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sda bs=4M conv=fsync status=progress

Reboot and you are done. :v:

I think you’ve saved me some trouble. I’ve fought with the issues you’ve described above and was looking for an answer, I think I’ve found it. Kudos to you. I’ve searched the house and no 3A PSUs, 2.4A was the biggest I had and still same issue. I’ve ordered a 3A now.

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