Hi David, when you start the VMWare Player through task scheduler, the only way you will see it running later on, is to select the option " Run only when user ist logged in".
Which kind of defeats the purpose I guess, because you would want the machine to start automatically in the background after a power loss / power restore without any manual actions required - In which case you must select “Run whether user is logged in or not”
Unfortunately with that option ticked, you will never get a gui, even if you log in afterwards.
Thanks for the guide, now my installation is working.
However the last 2 links are dead, only white blank pages are opening , the ones with vm running in the background /auto restart.
Run VMWare Workstation in the background / Auto launch VMWare VM after reboot 527
Do you guys know of another sourse tutorial to make it autorestart?
The other way is to use cli… Something like
(Stop Command as an example) "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player\vmrun.exe" -T player stop H:\VMware\HomeAssistant\HomeAssistant.vmx soft
You can make a task in windows task scheduler to perform an unattended HA start.
make a text file with this content (change to your individual settigs of course):
“C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player\vmrun.exe” start “C:\Home Assistant VMware\Homeassistant VMware.vmx”
rename the text file something like: AutoStartHA.cmd
Configure your PC to automatically restart after a power loss.
In the task scheduler make a new task
ensure that the task will be executed without anybody being logged in (I believe under general ?)
Use the PC start as trigger for the task
As action you use the execution of the file you made (AutoStartHA.cmd)