Installing Home Assistant on WD mycloudEX2Ultra

Were you able to run HomeAssistant?
What was the problem?


The problem is the latest version of homeassistant docker isn’t compatible with armv7l hence the error you are getting.
According to this page : GitHub - linuxserver/docker-homeassistant

03.05.23: - Deprecate arm32v7. Latest HA version with an arm32v7 build is 2023.4.6.

I managed to get it running using the following configuration (no need for DISABLE_JEMALLOC true) :

edit: see my post below for the config I am actually using.

version: "2.1"
    external: true
    container_name: HomeAssistant_compose
    image: linuxserver/homeassistant:2023.4.6-ls141
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: bridge
      - "8123:8123"
      - homeassistant_data:/config
      TZ: Australia/Melbourne

I have not played with yet, but I can load the login page, so it’s a start.

It works. Thank you.

I realised you need to run in host mode to get home assistant do autodetect devices on the network, I ended up with the following config:

version: "2.1"
    external: true
    container_name: HomeAssistant_compose
    image: linuxserver/homeassistant:2023.4.6-ls141
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      - "8123:8123"
      - homeassistant_data:/config
      TZ: Australia/Melbourne
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Hi I still can’t quite make this work. I’m getting an error Stopped for a few seconds with exit code 139 and there is no ip assigned to it. Do you have any idea of what you did to get this working for you ?

! As an update, i managed to get it running by going into stacks, add stack → web editor and pasting in this code from Geatan

 version: "2.1"
    external: true
    container_name: HomeAssistant_compose
    image: linuxserver/homeassistant:2023.4.6-ls141
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      - "8123:8123"
      - homeassistant_data:/config
      TZ: Australia/Melbourne

Thanks for the support.

What docker are you using? I’m getting

2023-08-04 14:34:20.287 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of image_upload is taking over 10 seconds.
2023-08-04 14:34:20.780 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] The system could not validate that the sqlite3 database at //config/home-assistant_v2.db was shutdown cleanly
2023-08-04 14:34:20.971 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] Ended unfinished session (id=73 from 2023-08-04 14:33:28.706430)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  random_device::random_device(const std::string&): device not available

i also had this same error today and i deleted everything, started from scratch and installed docker version docker_21.04.06_EX2Ultra.bin, after that, did HA install using stacks and the code from Geatan and for me it worked fine.

good luck

Hi, thank you for the guide.

Even if I am noob I was able to make it run with Geatan code…unfortunately I get the following error when trying to add configurator:

Python runtime state: core initialized

PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted

Current thread 0xb6dd2390 (most recent call first):

<no Python frame>

any ideas?

THANK YOU! This is the ONLY sequence that worked for me, I’ve been trying to install home-assistant as a container to docker to my EX2 Ultra for the last 6 months in vain. Thanks also to @Gaetan that provided the only stack that worked and to @MattBavaria for going to great lengths to get the home assistant in an EX2 Ultra.

briefly what I’ve done was the following:

  1. I’ve updated the docker version to the Cloudsmith version of the docker named docker_21.04.06_EX2Ultra.bin

you can find it on the following link:

Note: I didn’t have to uninstall the previous version of the docker, I’ve just updated it over the 20.10.15 JediNite/wdpksrc version I had as I didn’t want to go straight to the nuclear option to erase all the other containers that were working fine. Still worked.

  1. Go to the Portainer (yourlocalIP:9001) and then choose the docker, then the stack tab, choose “+add stack” and copy paste in the web editor @Gaetan configuration and hit “deploy stack”:
version: "2.1"
    external: true
    container_name: HomeAssistant_compose
    image: linuxserver/homeassistant:2023.4.6-ls141
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      - "8123:8123"
      - homeassistant_data:/config
      TZ: Australia/Melbourne

(I didn’t even change the TZ, lol!)

After a long wait downloading and installing the file, Home Assistant WORKED! Amazing!Thank You!

Note all the other versions of the docker/home assistant combination seem not to be able to handle home-assistant any more, with or without disabling JEMALLOC including the @MattBavaria workaround (I may be wrong on this as may technically be a noob and it is possible that I wasn’t able to follow complex instructions) and the home assistant is stuck in an infinite restart loop. This is possible due to the depreciation of the home-assistant support for older Linux kernels and my understanding is that the kernel the EX2 Ultra using is pretty old. Not a clue how that would affect home-assistant/docker integration in the future, but as long as there are no critical issues with this build I would not update ever or at least till I’ve changed NAS!

Hi coolajami,
many thanks for your work. I was able to install the docker / Home Assistant combination on my EX2 Ultra. But I had to create the homeassistant_data Volume manually with portainer, before the stack based deployment has worked.

Perhaps this Info is helpfull to someone.

Kinde Regards,


My Stack:

version: "2.1"
    external: true
    container_name: HomeAssistant
    image: homeassistant/armv7-homeassistant:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      - "8123:8123"
      - homeassistant_data:/config
      TZ: Europe/Berlin

But the Port isn’t published

What could be the Problem?

okay, the ports a published despite it’s not shown in portainer.
But only linuxserver/homeassistant:2023.4.6-ls141 works


I have HA 2023.4.6 working but I cannot add HACS to that version as far as I can tell it has to be 2023.6.0 or later. Any ideas?

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Hi - have you had any success with this?
I am a newbie, have just installed HA via docker which already seems like a major accomplishment :slight_smile:
But now I don’t seem to be able to install HACS. It says that the version is too old.

INFO: Verifying versions
INFO: Current version is 2023.4.6, minimum version is 2023.6.0
ERROR: Version 2023.4.6 is not new enough, needs at least 2023.6.0

Did anyone manage to install HACS on HA 2023.4.6? Did anyone have luck installing 2023.6.0 on WD My Cloud Ex2?

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Hi, new noob here. i followed exactly your protocol (install from cloudsmith, connect to, add stack, docker compose web, insert text, deploy). It starts than stops and give an error back:
write /var/run/docker/containerd/daemon/io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux/moby/a24c92936a7ab3db75387bdade1d3306b51abf95c0f8fa4f4c626bc2df92f7bc/config.json: no space left on device: unknown

I also get a deployment error on one packet somewhere there:
6131f554f803 Extracting [======> ] 49.58MB/400.3MB 6131f554f803 Extracting [======> ] 50.14MB/400.3MB 6131f554f803 Extracting [======> ] 50.69MB/400.3MB

Has anyone a tip for me? i tried a lot of different packages. I even clean my images with the docker command docker system prune -a -f using ssh connect through macos terminal.

Hello all,

Im trying to follow some steps in the WD EX4100 but without success… Any one knows if is possible or can help?

thanks in advance

I’m stuck on deploying, i’m getting the following error (see pastebine)

I have an issue. I forgot password and username for the Portainer. How could I reset or create a new user?

Hey guys! Thanks a lot for helping me installing linuxserver/homeassistant:2023.4.6-ls141 on my ex2ultra. Did anyone manage to install a later version? Did anyone manage to install HACS? Thanks a lot!

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Same problem here, so sad we can’t access HACS :confused: