Installing Home Assistant OS using Proxmox 8

It appears that I may have been mistaken and responded to the wrong person. My apologies for any confusion. To clarify, @Scoff, based on the information you provided, it seems that you have a total of 3922 MiB of memory, with 950 MiB currently in use, 2357 MiB for cache, and 2956 MiB available.

If you have free RAM, it’s possible that Linux will use it for caching. This can cause it to appear as though Linux is using a lot of RAM, even if your system isn’t running many applications. However, this is normal behavior, and the RAM used for caching will be freed up as needed by running applications.

OK thanks @tteck , so it’s the amount of RAM being cached which makes it ‘appear’ that my HA VM is using more RAM than it actually is. Being new to Proxmox, it’s just a bit concerning seeing the red Memory usage bar in the summary that’s all. I expect if you leave your HA VM running for a couple of days, you will end up with a similar amount of RAM being cached as I have. At least I know it’s all behaving normally now :slight_smile:

Sorry for HA I run as a VM as my Proxmox system has 16GB or RAM. I would imagine USB passthrough would be the biggest challenge for support but I believe there is documentation online. If you can bring down the VM and start a container and give it a try. if it does not work a simple click and delete is all you have to do.

Just used your guide to switch from a vm on my ISP Box, it was a perfect plug and play. I’d maybe add something about USB devices (add them USB devices in hardware tab of the new vm in proxmox, and then reboot the vm), as i’m pretty sure there’s few instances of HAOS without USB sticks.


I’m using version 5 of your the script and am receiving this error:

Hi. I’ve just installed Proxmox with the alternative OS for an Intel NUC. After a few goes of config changes, due to myself, it was working.
Installed Home Assistant and restored my current version. All good.

Now I can see Home Assistant and it works great but I can not enter into the Proxmox GUI. I’ve tried changing the IP, creating a static IP. I can SSH into it but no GUI.

I’ve just tried changing the static IP for Proxmox and changing the static IP for Home Assistant, in the router. HA works but still no Proxmox GUI.

Any suggestions please?

Is port 8006 open on the proxmox machine? (from another computer nmap proxmoxip 8006)

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I assume so, as it worked fine before I installed Home Assistant. Now HA works fine and Promox gui doesn’t.
I’ll look how to check later. Just on way to work.

I just said how to check. PS you do realise HA and proxmox will have different IPs?

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Ah sorry. I was rushing to leave the house. Bery sleepy.

Will run that later. So ssh in and run that line.

Well, when I installed HA, it took the same IP as Proxmox, so I changed the IP in the router but it made no difference. It may be something obvious but my experience with this sort of thing is limited so far.

If you followed the howto in post 1 of this thread, then ha is installed in a vm. It will have a different ip to the proxmox machine. You must have taken a different route.

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I also wonder, what the “Alternative OS for an Intel NUC” means in this context ( Generic x86-64 ? )

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Hi. Thanks for the replies. I think I need ti start again and follow your tutorial. I did watch a video too but I’ve got my wires crossed somewhere.

Hi. I think you’re correct there. I just wrote the name incorrectly, from memory.

It wasnt a stray disk. Not sure what it was. I was able to do a manual install though using the same VMID and other parameters that were used by the script and it worked. Not sure what I was missing with when running the script to get that error.

Has anyone run HASS OS inside a LXC container (yes “container” is redundant, I’m saying it anyway for clarity)? I searched the forum and didn’t find anyone successful with this.

I can’t see any particular reason why this wouldn’t work, other than the fact that nobody seems to have successfully done it yet. I can pass devices through to a LXC, and the container can run docker images nested-- I already do this in my Proxmox cluster. LXCs aren’t like docker, they present like full Linux VMs. You can run a Debian or RHEL LXC.

Main advantages of hosting services in LXCs over VMs are huge savings in CPU and memory usage. Looking at my own stats, my HASS OS VM is using 3.4GB of RAM and its CPU idles (IDLES!) around 6% usage on a 6500T. This is a barebones install, not many devices, and I don’t actually actively use it.

Compared to my Plex LXC, with a couple active users and a couple other related services running in the same container, it uses 351MB of RAM and CPU idles at 0%.

(I’m aware I could just run HomeAssistant in docker. That’s my fallback, I have no technical blockers with running Z2MQTT or whatever in docker, but HASS OS addons are self-contained, slick, and I like the idea of keeping everything together. Also I got a SkyConnect and it’s unclear how the firmware upgrades work outside of HASS OS.)

If you look here there is even a script to install in a lxc on proxmox
These scripts are gold and make everything much easier

Thanks but those are all HA core, not HASS OS.

There was a script that allowed for installing the Home Assistant Supervised method in a LXC container. However, this method was not officially supported by Home Assistant and was not guaranteed to work with all systems. Additionally, Home Assistant has since updated their requirements for the Supervised method, which makes it impossible to use in a LXC container.

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