Installing Home Assistant OS using Proxmox 8

Stuck at stage 2.1. I paste the script, press Enter and nothing happens. Please help.

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It seems that you’re facing a network problem, probably linked to DNS.

Thanks for the answer. Everything worked as soon as I connected the computer with Roxmox to a shared router with a Windows computer. And I reinstalled Proxmox to change the IP. the home network consists of a switch at the entrance and a router at one output, and proxmox was connected at the other output.

I get into an endless backup process when I want to restore my old config after setting everything up successfully. Has anyone experienced it before? (the restore process hasn’t finished in 8 hours with a 42 MB backup file)

Are you talking about restoring a VM/LXC in Proxmox?

no, i mean, when you get your ip after installing HomeAssistant on Proxmox and you visit that IP:8123 you are presented with a page where you can either setup a new HomeAssistant, or Restore one from backup. I would want to restore from set up there

I assume you tried just setting up HA as a new instance and then trying the restore once HA is running?

Do you know that you could have backed up the VM/LXC and restored that?
This is one of the main advantages of running (HA) on Proxmox.

Great script, thank you for this :sunglasses:

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Im stuck here as well. Nothing happens

I followed tutorial as Im starting from scratch with proxmox 8. I click updates on left but it says there are none which is different than tutorial. Then I paste the script and nothing happens. It doesnt give error or anything.

It seems that you’re facing a network problem, probably linked to DNS.

Is this supported within Virtualbox?
I wanted to test things before migrating from a Pi4, so I installed Proxmox in Virtualbox(win11) and then tried the script in Proxmox. Nested virtualization enabled. The VM installs and starts just fine but it hangs during boot in two particular spots, reboots and tries again in a loop. The behavior is not consistent, it varies. One time I managed to reach ‘waiting for home assistant cli’, it got an IP but seemed to hang again and did not proceed.

I had more success with the dev version of HA, it installed and booted fine (after a couple of reboots), but as soon as I set things up for a test and tried to reboot the VM, it hung again during boot. How is it possible that it boots fine the first time and then hangs?
I’m beginning to think that there is something wrong with the HA images provided.

I was able to install and run the LXC version just fine (as expected).

Any ideas? Can someone reproduce this?

I just installed Proxmox and can access it via web browser.
But for section 2, please tell me where to run the command? Where is the shell or command line? I can see the following, but there is really no hint where to find it:

On the Left Side Column. Click on the ‘PVE’ node. And then you’ll see a new window in the centre. From there you can access the shell / console for the Proxmox node.


Thank you very much! I searched the whole internet but didn’t find any explanation what to do. Seemed not so obvious to me but for any other user :smile:

Hi there,

I’m super new to Home Assistant as I want to step up my smart home game.

I’ve been following the instructions and proxmox is working on my Dell Wyse 5070, but I’m stuck on Section 2. I’ve copied and pasted provided code into Shell and it’s asked me those questions. After answering the job started and I know that it said “patience”, but… it’s been over 24 hours now and it is still going – at least it looks like it in “syslog” tab:

I guess it should not behave like that. What should I do now? How to fix this?

I would be so glad for your help :slight_smile:

In the left hand panel there, click (or it may be double click) onthe icon next to where it says “proxmox” - what do you see?

Not suggesting this is what happened, but It is crucial not to exit the Proxmox shell while running scripts. Leaving the shell during script execution will result in the script being interrupted.

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Hi there,

I tried again but instead of using top right corner Shell button, I tried using the tab in the middle section of the screen and used the script one more time. It worked almost instantly, so I guess that was the case.

Thank you so much for the help! On the side note, as I said before I am new here, but community seems to be super helpful. It doesn’t happen often to get help from someone who made a script himself :slight_smile: