Installing Home Assistant Supervised on a Raspberry Pi using Debian 12

I didn’t install anything.

I see you have replied in a other thread about installing Kodi and which is why I asked.

If you have a vanilla Debian 11 install everything should work.

I have 2 systems I am trying the 2 options,
In the meantime, the option of pure Debian as detailed above encountered this error,
Whereas the Raspberry Pi system option works properly

Works until restore

Hi all, I’ve just gone through the tutorial and I got things working up to the onboarding screen. However if I restore a full backup (backup that I just made on a full HA OS version), then the Pi won’t reboot.

  • Is it OK to do a full restore?
  • Should I instead restore everything except Home Assistant?
  • What would you recommend? Create a new user and then do a partial restore?

For now I’m going to install timeshift to make a backup of a freshly installed Home Assistant Supervised to be able to try different scenarios (unless someone has a suggestion to do an image of the Pi SDCard with only the data used? I’ve made a backup / restore of the SDCard with Win32DiskImager, but is very long as it copies all the 64G of the SDCard, even the empty space, vs. the 3.9G actually occupied)

Most likely the network config from your previous machine - Mac and IP.

Thank you Jason. It wasn’t MAC/IP as I migrated from the same machine and my router was configured to provide a fixed IP to the MAC of the Pi. After many failed attempts, it ended up working but I had to create a user, then go to restore, rather than doing a restore at first boot.

I followed this guide exactly step by step on my Pi 3A+. Everything went without any issues until this command:

dpkg -i homeassistant-supervised.deb

I’ve got an error:

/var/lib/dpkg/ line 15: lsb_release: command not found
dpkg: error processing archive homeassistant-supervised.deb (--install):
 new homeassistant-supervised package pre-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 127
[info] Undo divert on abort-install
No diversion 'diversion of /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf.real by homeassistant-supervised', none removed.
No diversion 'diversion of /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default.real by homeassistant-supervised', none removed.
No diversion 'diversion of /etc/docker/daemon.json to /etc/docker/daemon.json.real by homeassistant-supervised', none removed.
No diversion 'diversion of /etc/network/interfaces to /etc/network/interfaces.real by homeassistant-supervised', none removed.
[info] Resetting debconf selections
[info] Removal complete, due to the complexity of this installation method,
[info] you will need to manually remove the containers created by the supervisor
Errors were encountered while processing:

So I’ve installed lsb_release:

apt install -y lsb-release

And that fixed the problem. Now I’ve got this message after dpkg -i homeassistant-supervised.deb

(Reading database ... 21771 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack homeassistant-supervised.deb ...
[warn] If you want more control over your own system, run
[warn] Home Assistant as a VM or run Home Assistant Core
[warn] via a Docker container.
[warn] ModemManager service is enabled. This might cause issue when using serial devices.
[info] Fix kernel dmesg restriction
Adding 'diversion of /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf.real by homeassistant-supervised'
Adding 'diversion of /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default.real by homeassistant-supervised'
Adding 'diversion of /etc/docker/daemon.json to /etc/docker/daemon.json.real by homeassistant-supervised'
Adding 'diversion of /etc/network/interfaces to /etc/network/interfaces.real by homeassistant-supervised'
Unpacking homeassistant-supervised (1.4.1) ...
Setting up homeassistant-supervised (1.4.1) ...
[info] Restarting NetworkManager
[info] Enable systemd-resolved
[info] Enable systemd-journal-gatewayd
[info] Restarting docker service
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=38.5 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 38.492/38.492/38.492/0.000 ms
[info] Install supervisor startup scripts
[info] Install AppArmor scripts
[info] Start Home Assistant Supervised
[info] Installing the 'ha' cli
[info] Switching to cgroup v1
[info] Within a few minutes you will be able to reach Home Assistant at:
[info] http://homeassistant.local:8123 or using the IP address of your
[info] machine:
[warn] A reboot is required to apply changes to grub.

I’ve waited over 20 minutes but I can’t access the Home Assistant on my browser.
Here are the Supervisor logs:
Here is syslog:
Any idea what might be wrong?

I installed Homeassistant supervised on raspberrypi 4 using the instructions in this forum.

Please guide how to solve the following issues:-

  1. How do I autostart pulseaudio and connect to bluetooth? I have already installed pulseaudio and I am able to connect to bluetooth speaker manually via the terminal.

It is possible to autostart pulseaudio and connect to bluetooth speaker automatically once the homeassistant is started?

  1. How can I change the default media path?

Kindly guide.

This is the wrong post to ask. This is a HA install guide, not how to configure integrations.

Hi, I tried to install 2023.01.02 11 bullseye image in an SD card in a RPI 4 4GB. It starts to boot but after a while there is no video through HDMI port 0. Any clue?
Thanks in advance.

HA is a headless system. You need to connect to it with browser on another machine.

Thank you very much for your response.
But I need to configure an static IP and so on first…

Check the IP of HA in your router, login to HA, set the IP from within HA, reboot

Same problem here.

I solved it by re-mounting the storage as soon as it was flashed, and added these lines to config.txt to avoid a blank screen during boot:

# Forcing 1920x1080 DMT @ 60Hz to avoid a blank screen during boot

You may have to tweak on the off chance that your screen doesn’t support that display mode.

The more ideal solution for the IP is to check to see what it is for the RPI on the router (dhcp server) already, and then within the router (dhcp server), make it static there.

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Followed this detailed procedure on Pi 4-8gb SSD-128gb, everything going as planned.
Just 2 notes to possibly help others:

  1. I had to reboot once when given instruction about resetting GRUB, and then reenter the HA installation command.
  2. I had to reboot again at the end of the whole procedure - since I couldn’t access HA through browser. After that no problem.

I’m now in the browser on port 8123 with the “Preparing Home Assistant” screen. I hope it goes away in the near future.

Thanks OP for all the great work!! I’m hoping to first restore my original HA setup (HAOS) and then to install a CUPS printer server in another container.
Any advice?

Thanks again OP for this tremendous help!

Hello everyone and especially @kanga_who.

I’m very thankful for this tutorial, I’ve been running Home Assistant Supervised on a Raspberry Pi with Debian 11 since January 2022. This tutorial was my golden door into the HA universe and Linux. I’ve grown into the Home Assistant community and become very skilled with Home Assistant, but at some point I faced the CGroup Version warning in HA and felt lost about how to solve this issue. When I started I thought I would make good use of Home Assistant Supervised but later realized there is nothing more that I couldn’t accomplish with HAOS. But when I wanted to migrate from HA-Supervised to HAOS, my backup had become so big that it didn’t work. I feel like I’m stuck on HA-Supervised unless I restart from the beginning…

Before I find the courage to restart from the beginning, I would like to solve the issue with the CGroup Version on a supervised installation. The warning message leads to CGroup Version page and suggest we can re-run the supervised installer to fix it? If I re-run the supervised installer, does it mean I will have to install Home Assistant again and use a backup? Because my backup has become so big I fear I cannot recover from that re-running the supervised installer operation…

What should I do?

I have reinstalled HA Supervised to resolve this issue and I did not have to reinstall anything else. In any event, be sure to install and use this add-on:


Do a full backup (2 at least), then when you have fixed the issue, if anything is missing, then you can restore from one of these fullbackups with no issue.

Also I would sinatll the HAOS from scratch to convert over, and then restore whatever you want fropm these backups and I believe it should work fine (but have not tried that).

Scroll up in this topic, the CGroup issue has been discussed more than once and is easy to fix. No need to reinstall.

Ok, thank you. I am already using Home Assistant Google Drive Backup for some months now. But since I recently tried to migrate by uploading a backup in HAOS and it never went through, I am freaking out I will lose everything… I have been very reluctant to install HAOS for this reason. May people on the HA Discord channel already told me that HA Supervised is the worst version and that I should have avoided it… I will solve this migration to HAOS by this summer.