Installing Home Assistant Supervised using Debian 12

That wasn’t what you did. You stated this;

As already noted, the instruction work and you have not followed them as intended. I’d suggest you would be better off running HA OS or HA Container.

If you need to use ChatGPT then you do not have the skills of knowledge to run a Supervised installation.


Yes, that’s right, I haven’t read about Debian 12 and I never did before as it never occurred to me. I just follow the instructions to install Home Assistant on Debian 10/11 and it worked fine until now. I have been transitioning from Debian 10 to Debian 11 and the transition was seamless. As usual I test this on a virtual machine first and if the migration is fine and Home Assistant is not giving errors after a week, I upgrade the live machine. This time I followed the instructions and ran into a problem and when it doesn’t work the way it says in the instructions for Debian 12, I reported it. I’m not trying to prove you wrong, I’m writing how I’m experiencing this and the upgrade to Debian 12 is not going smoothly for me. I guess I’ll have to install HAOS so that I don’t have problems in the future with Home Assistant in Debian 12

I thought about what you said and I decided to try creating a homeassistant user and added it to the docker group. The homeassistant user does not have privileged access to system files or the administrative account. What do you think, is this a good way to go about it?

Installation on a clean Debian 12 system without editing /etc/docker/daemon.json

After creating and adding the homeassistant user to the docker group and editing /etc/docker/daemon.json

User ID homeassistant

uid=999(homeassistant) gid=991(homeassistant) groups=991(homeassistant),992(docker)



If you decide to follow this guide strictly and by the book you wont need all these extra steps which consequences on the system’s security can not being overseen anymore.

Not following this guide for whatsoever reason is just clogging the thread with useless posts. Best is to simply open a new thread about your particular installation method.


Clean install same problem! This man resolved. Thanks

Use ssh. If HA starts acting up, install an ssh add-on and remove the bare metal ssh.

Can you explain how make this?


Could you please clarify what you mean by “how to do it?” What problem are you talking about? If the problem is with curl: (6) Could not resolve host, then try rebooting Debian 12, sometimes that helps, if that doesn’t help, then try doing this post, it worked for me, and if that doesn’t help, then you can do the following

If there is no privileged access

Create a user

sudo useradd -rm homeassistant

Add a user to the docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker homeassistant

Open the daemon.json file

nano /etc/docker/daemon.json

and add the line “group”: “docker”.

“log-driver”: “journald”,
“storage-driver”: “overlay2”,
“group”: “docker”,
“ip6tables”: true,
“experimental”: true,
“log-opts”: {
“tag”: “{{.Name}}”

Rebooting docker

sudo systemctl restart docker

Background information

Create a user and home directory

sudo useradd -rm homeassistant

Add a user to the docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker homeassistant

Remove a user from the docker group

sudo gpasswd -d homeassistant docker

Display the list of users, where you can see which group the user is in

cat /etc/group

Get homeassistant user ID

id homeassistant

Delete user homeassistant

sudo deluser homeassistant

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A simpler and cleaner way to resolve this issue you will find HERE.

I strongly advise you to not do the following:

The above “solution” by simply adding another user (homeassistant here) and assigning certain privileges to that user is a workaround at best.

If you really follow:

Section 1 - Install Debian 12, pharagraph 1.11)


Section 1 - Install Debian 12, pharagraph 1.16, Step 1.10),
Don’t miss this one (!): Pharagraph 1.17)

There will be no need to add that additional user “homeassistant”. Neither you will need to tamper with the permissions of the docker container.

Keep it nice and simple!

Probably caused by half baked knowledge about the security/privileges concept of *nix systems some users are just skipping Section 1, pharagraph 1.17 and simply continue the guide as the root-user without being aware of the consequences this might bring up!

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and @GSzabados I use openssh server on the host as per normal, port 22 as usual.

I also use the advanced ssh & web terminal addon in HA, set to port 2222.

Both work fine and I have never been seen as unhealthy. (not on account of ssh anyway).

It may not be strictly according to Hoyle, but it works.

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cgroup errors are resolved by installing homeassistant-supervised.deb. The post install script takes care of it. Perhaps you didn’t follow the instructions.

Absolutely correct :+1:t3:

Most obviously!

And if you read (I mean really read, not just skimming through) the referring pharagraph you will notice that little:

before the execution of:

where this is done by being a “normal” (unprivileged) user and only temporarily root privileges are granted to the user/group to access system resources for executing those individual commands by prepending “sudo -i”.

If you are not familiar with the sudo command in Linux I recommend you to read through “Linux sudo commands for beginners” to get the idea why it is important to do adminitrative tasks as a non-privileged user whenever possible.


Chefs kiss for those setup scripts, just moved to Debian and the install and restore from another HA instance went flawlessly. Nice work.


I don’t know if I did everything correctly but after the installation HA seems to run as root. How do I change it to run as non-privileged user?

You don’t - it runs as root by design.

That sad. The HA keeps reminding me how not safe it is. It even blocked updating itself for a while.

That’s got nothing to do with HA running as root.

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I’m following the guide exactly, but after installing the packages, during docker installation I get:

curl -fsSL | sh
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

I tried several hacks in this thread, but they didn’t work except for this one.

For those who will be looking for this, here’s a working solution: #1076 by SkynetNexus

I had this happen on an install today. The install script sent a lot of DNS queries at once and triggered anti flood protection on the router (depending on your router settings). It filtered the client connection and stopped all DNS requests and hence " Could not resolve host:" error.

Simple fix was to reboot which clears the cache and it works again. Also making sure ipv6 is disabled. Something to look into if you have that issue as it worked for me.

Hello !

Clean install Debian 12 (last release) and folowing instruction I get the following errors:

  1. dns stops working after completion of execution “apt install apparmor jq wget curl udisks2 libglib2.0-bin network-manager dbus lsb-release systemd-journal-remote systemd-resolved -y”

  2. errors when executing the installation script HA

  3. after correcting errors with hands, I try to restore a backup copy and it turns for hours (while the machine does not use computing resources)