I am trying to install on my diskstation. I used: this tutorial to install. But I get stuck at the end. It says: Copy your configuration.yaml file into the config folder That’s it… you’re all set to go.
Doesn’t the yaml file gets created when I start homeassistant?
When I try: sudo /volume1/homeassistant/hass-daemon start it gives an error sudo: /volume1/homeassistant/hass-daemon: command not found
This will give you a list of files in that folder and its authorities.
If you followed the documentation Installation steps then you should find hass-conf. check if it list to something like this:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 homeassistant users 2061 Feb 3 14:01 hass-daemon
The rwxrwxrwx is modified when you issue the command chmod 777 /volume1/homeassistant/hass-daemon
You should also find configuration.yaml in the list from above.
I created my hass-daemon file using Notepad++ and then copied it to the Home Assistant folder using the File Station GUI as I’m rubbish with Vi. Of course, now the file permissions are all screwed up and when I run sudo /volume1/homeassistant/hass-daemon start I get sudo: unable to execute /volume1/homeassistant/hass-daemon: No such file or directory. Below is a picture of my permission structure for the homeassistant folder. Any idea of the best way to fix that?
I have exact same problem without solution or idea.
I have created hass-daemon file on windows with notepad++ and saved in shared folder /volume1/homeassistant
I can’t start it :
root@Serveur:/volume1/homeassistant# sudo /volume1/homeassistant/hass-daemon start
sudo: unable to execute /volume1/homeassistant/hass-daemon: No such file or directory
root@Serveur:/volume1/homeassistant# chmod 777 /volume1/homeassistant/hass-daemon
root@Serveur:/volume1/homeassistant# ls -la
total 24
drw-rw-r-- 4 homeassistant users 4096 Dec 12 21:06 .
drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4096 Dec 12 19:44 ..
drw-rw-r-- 3 homeassistant users 4096 Dec 12 19:44 @eaDir
-rwxrwxrwx 1 homeassistant users 2162 Dec 12 21:06 hass-daemon
lrwxrwxrwx 1 homeassistant users 75 Dec 12 20:20 homeassistant -> /volume1/@appstore/py3k/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/homeassistant
lrwxrwxrwx 1 homeassistant users 37 Dec 12 20:20 python3 -> /volume1/@appstore/py3k/usr/local/bin
drw-rw-r-- 3 homeassistant users 4096 Dec 12 21:06 #recycle
I have the same issue.
I am using windows 10 notepad++ to create this file and copied it to the homeassistant folder. However, by default, the line ending is in windows format.
I have to use notepad++, edit->EOL conversion->unix(LF) and save file again!
An a side note… I had it installed on a 218+ but in docker/container
I did not want to have the HA software to interfere with the DS operating system as my DS is a NAS first, HA second. As you may known, docker allows to add/delete in a separate environment that you can update / change without damaging the core OS.
In the end, after I installed surveillance station, the DS218 (6Gb) was not able to keep up anymore, I have 5 containers running and write-to-disk was massively disturbed by the Surveillance station. I moved all HA containers to a NUC