This worked! I see al my entities under the MQTT device.
I had my Ubie/Qbus integrated into Google Home, now I removed this integration to have them only in HA.
However, I would still like to control my Qbus devices with my voice (using nest mini’s) but this doesn’t work anymore…
I have all of them exposed to Google Assistant in HA but when I open up the Google Home app for example, the curtains show offline so I can’t control them. (see screenshot)
Should I re-add the Ubie integration in Google Home then?
Do you actually have a dedicated Ubie box? Apparently you can not use Ubie box in combination with HA, according to Installing Qbus domotics controller - #10 by tmvvk. But you could try to see if it works.
I don’t have Google Home, so I’m a bit in the dark here.
A few questions:
Are the lights in the screenshot Qbus entities?
Are there any Qbus entities from HA that work in Google Home?
Are there any other (non-Qbus) entities from HA that do work in Google Home?
I do have a Ubiebox connected to my network yes. However, I unlinked it from Google Home to make sure I only have the Home Assistant Nabu Casa integration with Google Home.
The lights in the screenshot are a HA Group of 2 light entities
Yes, seems to be only curtains that aren’t displaying well in Google Home
Yes, there is one entity (Renson Ventilation) and an entity from Somfy (sun blinds) in Google Home that work
Is there a way to remove and re-add the cover entities in your Google Home?
Would you mind sharing your qbusconfig.json file? If you prefer to do this privately, you can upload it to (which is write only, no one besides me can read).
Scared of doing this tbh. I’ve nearly lost a day yesterday in trying to troubleshoot my Google Home + Assistant devices.
I’m not sure it’s even an issue anymore because I can control the curtains in HA using Google Assistant.
For some reason they just show up as offline in Google Home.