Installing TeslaMate

I have the following problem/error message with the integration. Is the addon really maintained?


Web UI log into Tesla account times out… · matt-FFFFFF/hassio-addon-repository · Discussion #18 (

Looking at GitHub there were contributions as early as just 4 months ago. Looks maintained.

I think I have my Teslamate Docker on my QNAP running as it should using the added things in the Docker Compose file, but still in my Home Assistent Docker in my QNAP Container Station the MQTT can’t seem to connect to it. Is there something I am missing ? Or is that due to having 2 containers in Container Station ?

Oh my god … never mind, I think I finally found it myself !!! I thought I had to make the MQTT broker point to the IP address of my NAS, but it seems like the different containers in the Container Station are receiving an own IP address or something.

So I added the MQTT integration using the IP address listed there and now it seems to be working !!!

It seems like I’m not getting all sensors, but I do get MOST of them

This looks like a solution for me, thanks however I’m still struggling. Can you please advice?

  • VIRTUAL_HOST Which IP address is this? Same as NAS IP or an IP address out of range of router or maybe inside range of the router’s IP addresses?
  • The command: mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf does not work for me. It complains the mosquitto-no-auth.conf file can not be found. Do I need to create this?

Really would appreciate your help…

matt-TFFFFFF is looking for a new maintainer:

So maintainance might be dropped.

Is there an alternative TeslaMate add-on?