Instant not_home status?

Sure, I’ve experimented with that, but it really didn’t help me find the correct response time.

Using life360 and some groups gives me the added ‘security’ I am not home, right in front of my door, and away when I close my door behind me. As would be the case with BT.

Ive set a perimeter of 300 meters or so.
The idea someone can find my phone and walk the street and my phone notifying my Home is found frightens me somehow…

Interesting. Can you expand a bit what you mean by

Two questions.

  1. Can you give an example if when/why you’d want to be “not home” when you are at your door (other than someone finding your phone). And how you’d seperate a normal, It’s me and It’s a stranger with my phone
  2. What kind of logic do you use to determine that your door closing really means you’re leaving, and not just stepping outside.


Must confess I’ve built that before I had a semi-perfect automation presence tracking, and I wanted a manual Away mode. I can use it to set motion sensors, lighting scenes, sensors and switches etc etc. I set my motions sensors to sensitive in all rooms, when away, but low, when home and a sleep in some rooms, etc etc.
I now only use the Away Tile manually to test changes in the setup really. Of course it is highlighted when active, so it is a great eyecatcher as well. Especially when my home_mode_locked theme kicks in …

Door closing isnt taken literally in my Home (dont have door sensors or locks yet). Just a couple of guard dogs out of their cages… (have a dedicated automation for that too, to prevent motion detection notifications on their movements.)

What I meant was that I want to have some perimeter and time lag. couple of hundred meters, so an accendental mobile device loss isnt too harmful, and allow a Home unlock, simply by walking close enough to my home. Time lag, so I can walk the dog, leave the house alone for let’s say 15 minutes before Home is secured.

the logic is rather simple for that:

  - alias: 'Empty home for 15 minutes'
    id: 'Empty home for 15 minutes'
#    initial_state: 'on'
      platform: state
      to: 'not_home'
        minutes: 15
#    condition:
#      condition: template
#      value_template: >
#        {{ is_state('input_boolean.guest_mode', 'off')}}
      - service: script.uit_huis_locked
      - condition: template
        value_template: >
          {{ is_state('input_boolean.notify_presence', 'on')}}
      - service: notify.notify
          message: >-
            {{as_timestamp(now()) | timestamp_custom("%X") }}: 
            Emtpy House, securing the premises.

the called script does all kinds of things… :wink: And of course hits after my regular leave home script has already noticed no one is at home and do other stuff.

all makes perfect sense. Sounds like we both have about the same thoughts on presence, home/away, etc.

I like “home” to be triggered as fast as possible, which is why I chose not to use to break out each possible presence sensor vs combined/Bayesian. Once Someone (anyone) is home then Home mode is on. Other people/presence sensors coming home don’t make me “more Home”, haha. I have other automation for stuff that I care about individuals coming or leaving.

But for away, I don’t want “instant” (too many false aways), I do like “quick” though, which is why I use the Bayesian for the most part for that. My goodbye routine usually runs about 2-3 minutes after I leave if I’m driving.

yes, indeed. I’ve learned by experience that using a group for a person, consisting of various trackers, bayesian and others, and the life360 on its own can be used for finetuning notification and independent action. Life360 is rather swift, or quick if you want it to be, so notification makes sure you know everybody left. The groups (always a bit slower because the wifi tracker is in there…), or timing automation as I posted above, can be used for the delayed actions. Best of both worlds.

thats one of the things I have been searching for!.
sounds so easy, but which components is that? sensor.last_boot? And what is your template to have it in minutes? or do you use

- platform: uptime
    name: 'HA runtime in minutes'
    unit_of_measurement: minutes

Thats the one I use.

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I just use 2 trackers, Owntracks and SNMP Scanner. I add the phone’s MAC to the owntracks device_tracker entities and once the MAC address shows up on the snmp scan it’s home until it drops off then owntracks takes over.

consider_home at 15 seconds works well on my Galaxy S8, but not Huawei P10 Plus and other iPhones which go completely bonkers.