Integrate Viltrox Light Panel into HA (DMX or 2.4GHz remote?)

I’m considering buying a Viltrox VL-D85T light panel to act as a powerful light box in the winter months, to counteract SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). However it’s a no-go if I cannot integrate it into Home Assistant in some way.

According to the description these support DMX (through an RJ45 port) and “FSK 2.4GHz wireless remote control”. Which is probably a proprietary remote, not WiFi. I did some research but failed to find anything already made for this purpose.

DMX being a standardized protocol there is probably a way to use that port, but I don’t know where to get started. I’m comfortable in making some extra hardware node (like ESP32/Arduino) to interface with the light if necessary. I found some DMX ESP32 libraries, but no howtos about using an “ethernet” dmx port.

Is there something already made or some howto for this or similar studio lights that I missed? Please let me know!

If I understand the docs well, this could work. You have to deep search further…

DMX512 Master(Color Tempertature) - Milight Nederland as DMX control for the panel

2,4GHz Gateway - Milight Nederland for WiFi and APP access

HA is capable to connect to the WL-box with the LimitlessLED integration, I do use 3 of those gateways here.

If this does work, your goal could be reached without soldering :wink:

Thank you for your answer and the suggestions! The DMX512 master still only has wire outputs, so I would need to figure out how to put those into the RJ45 connector. Maybe it’s standard like this DMX (DMX512) RJ-45 pinout diagram @ – however I guess I should send the manufacturer an email to verify the pinout and protocol.

It’s cool that there are some turnkey solutions for this (especially the integration with LimitlessLED), but it would be a good 20% extra on the price of the light box to get all these hardware for one light box to control.

I am wondering if an ESP32 could do the job too somehow. DMX seems to be quite an open standard. But I don’t see any ESPHome modules that act as DMX master (only as a client Light Component — ESPHome). Probably I will need to hack together something with


I have a Mi light gateway (Miboxer) too, but I can’t connect it to HA with LimitlessLED. Can you share your config?
I have the older version V5, it works fine (until it died) , but this new isn’t :woozy_face:


But my gateways are also from before the Miboxer time… There are some topics about newer hardware, just use the search :wink: