Integrating GE Concord alarm system

I own ge concord express sw version 0500 and a new home automation module.
wired in the automation unit.
powered up both.
see on auto unit the power led on and the blinking BUSS red LED. So auto unit looks good.

PROBLEM: The Concord shows no indication of recognizing the automation unit. The panel should be beeping with a unknown new device. It is not.

I run the concord232server in debug mode and get:

2020-11-13 21:32:49,391 _internal INFO * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
2020-11-13 21:32:49,861 concord DEBUG Sending message (retry=1) ‘022022’
2020-11-13 21:33:09,399 concord DEBUG Looping 20
2020-11-13 21:33:29,439 concord DEBUG Looping 40
2020-11-13 21:33:49,477 concord DEBUG Looping 60
2020-11-13 21:34:09,516 concord DEBUG Looping 80
^[[4~^[[1~^[[1~^[[1~^[[1~^[[1~^[[1~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~2020-11-13 21:34:29,554 concord DEBUG Looping 100
2020-11-13 21:34:49,592 concord DEBUG Looping 120
2020-11-13 21:35:09,632 concord DEBUG Looping 140
2020-11-13 21:35:29,670 concord DEBUG Looping 160
2020-11-13 21:35:49,708 concord DEBUG Looping 180
2020-11-13 21:36:09,747 concord DEBUG Looping 200
2020-11-13 21:36:29,786 concord DEBUG Looping 220
2020-11-13 21:36:49,830 concord DEBUG Looping 240
2020-11-13 21:37:09,873 concord DEBUG Looping 260
2020-11-13 21:37:29,917 concord DEBUG Looping 280
2020-11-13 21:37:49,959 concord DEBUG Looping 300
2020-11-13 21:38:10,002 concord DEBUG Looping 320

I then plug the serial (usb) cable into miniterm and send a
ControlJ 020204 command and get a hex 6 form the auto unit. This is the unit replying with an ACK.

It appears that the concord alarm is just not seeing the auto panel.

Anyone have ideas?

Thank you.

@ConcordGE did you ever motions sorted out? I just set this all up and it is working fine, except my motions. I have four, all are hardwired. They show a status of tripped Concord232 Server (using concord232_client summary)and as Motion Detected in home assistant when no motion is present

If I actually trip the motion sensors I get a state change in both Concrod232 Server and Home Assistant.

My Concord 4 works normally though. If a motion is tripped the “Ready” light goes off and won’t let you arm.

Any ideas folks?

You’ll need to reverse the sensor value in the Concord Configuration file. I’m assuming it shows as open when in fact it’s closed but still shows an activation when tripped.

Yes, that is correct. Where is the Concord Configuration file?

You’ll find reference to it in I’m no longer using HA so read through this complete post or search for similar here, you should find reference to a similar problem.

Ok, thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I really appreciate it!

Update: a search of this thread and every combination I could think of didn’t return any results. I opened the script and don’t see anything obvious in there either, but I’m no coder, so that isn’t surprising. Anybody else have any thoughts on where I might fix the issue I have with my Hardwired Motions showing as tripped in Concord232?

I don’t have motion sensors on my concord4. But if I did (and I understand your description of the issue) I would just create template binary_sensors with the values set as inverse of your motion sensors from Concord 232 with a device_class of motion. Then use those as a replacement anywhere in HA.

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Thank you!! I hadn’t used Templates before, but that worked out perfectly. I appreciate the suggestion.

I got my motion sensors sorted out now, but never got around to having Concord232 launch when starting. I have mine installed on an Ubuntu VM. I followed the instructions linked in the read me from github, but when I check the status of the service it shows as failed. Can anyone share their .service config so I can see what I might have messed up?


For anyone that might need this, I finally figured it out. My .service file looks like this. After getting this right, and following the instructions from the link here Start Up On Boot My Concord232_Server starts automatically now.

Description=Concord232 Server Service

ExecStart=/usr/loca/bin/concord232_server --serial /dev/ttyUSB0


Hello @jesuscmartinez, did you ever figure this out? I experienced the same exact decoding behavior that you did, I am using an ADT Pulse system installed around 2015. The system works perfectly for all my wired/wireless sensors but I would like to control it (or at least monitor it) without relying on the ADT Pulse cloud service.

When I modified the concord232 code from the repo @JasonCarter80 (instead of using utf-8 I tried iso-8559-1 decoding) I managed to see that the bytes being sent from the AM were repeating in groups of F3, E3, and 80, FF. Which is not single byte and not what the specification states. So I believe either there is an encoding/decoding issue or ADT Pulse is using a different protocol than what is being used by most of the Concord open source. If anyone can point me in the right direction would greatly appreciate it!

Can you check the model number of your AM. If you do a little search you’ll find a number of discussions on this subject.

Thanks for responding @ConcordGE, I could not find anything specifically on my model. Here is a detailed description of what I am currently running for my pulse system.

Interlogix Automation Module: 56-738-03-INS
ADT Main Panel (not sure of manufacturer): 56-851-95R
Netgear/ADT Pulse Gateway: PGZNG1
DB9->4 Wire (RS422 Converter?): No Model Number

The ADT Main Panel is connected to the AM using the 4 wires. The AM is connected to the Pulse Gateway using a little board that has no model but says “AM to iHUB V4” and “Square S”. This little board I am assuming it’s an RS422 converter of some sort and the 4 wires that come out (seemingly 2 pairs of RX/TX) go into the ADT Pulse Gateway.

So far I’ve tried using a standard RS232 DB9 to USB cable plugged into the AM module’s DB9 port - and all various forms of serial connection parameters and bauds, sometimes I get some control characters that are recognizable but then the rest of the message is garbled. I have yet to use a RS422 cable (I have one on order) to see if that makes any difference.

Interlogix Automation Module:


FYI I have detailed pictures of each module but the site won’t let me post more than 2 links or 1 photo at this point.


A couple of points to note:-

The AM model number you’ll need to this working is 60-783-02

Ensure your port settings are correct

The FTDI chipset serial to USB cable is known to work best.

Effectively you’ll need to change out your current AM for the model I’ve mentioned above. I’ve never heard anyone getting that ADT AM working with any plugins in the various different home automation software. It’s proprietary to ADT. Once you have the correct AM you can progress from there.

As I suggested have a good search around as there’s plenty of information out there on this subject. Try this forum and the Vera forum for further details on this subject.

I meant to include this link too. It gives a bit of background to the whole ADT saga. Hope it explains a few things along the way and saves you wasting time.

Thank you for this link.

From reading many of the forum posts around the ADT Pulse issues, it seems that most of the people running ADT Pulse had AM boards that ended in “-03”, and when they switched to boards that ended in “-02”, it just magically “worked” using the published protocol (with software like Concord232, etc.)

I managed to find the 60-783-02 board online, and will wait to see what really is delivered and if it works. In the meantime I’m going to keep plugging away at trying to decode the messages from the “-03” board, as that would be the idea solution IMO. If anyone knows someone that worked on these products at one point and would like to collaborate, please let me know.


One final thing. I had the AM working in many different platforms and I found this resource very helpful for testing purposes. It’s a standalone option and might save you a lot of trouble. Just build it as per instructions. You’ll be up and running in 15 minutes and it will confirm quickly if you can get your AM working.

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After years of faithful service, I’m now getting a strange error. It started when one of the binary_sensors quit working in Home Assistant. Upon digging further, I found that the command concord232_client summary generates the correct expected response. But when you run sudo concordctl system, I get this error: system: error: The name net.voria.concordd was not provided by any .service files

When I run sudo concordctl and then type log and open doors and windows, there isn’t any output.

What do you think could be the issue?

Thank you for your time

What zone (sensor) is the binary sensor assigned to. Have you tried deleting the binary sensor in HA and recreating it again. I’m assuming the zone (sensor) on the Concord panel is not reporting a fault, low battery or damaged sensor etc. Do a walk through test just to confirm that. You could also try deleting the zone (sensor) on the Concord panel and re enrolling it again.

Hey are you still on here? I need some help with my concord system ?

From time to time. What can I do for you.