It was a bad copy/paste action on my side…
Nice solution
Not sure what you are trying to achieve. Are you closing the doors, when one is open? Or sending a warning message about the specific open door? Or are you changing 1/true to “open” and 0/false to “closed” flags/messages for the sensor? If the latter I think you need a switch in every flow. Otherwise, if one door is “false” or “0”, all doors get that specific flag. And same with 1/true. And the last trigger will be the flag for all doors.
Or are you changing 1/true to “open” and 0/false to “closed” flags/messages for the sensor? If the latter I think you need a switch in every flow.
Yes that’s what I am trying to do. I’ll adapt my scheme with additional switches and see what happens
Actually I posted this question in the Node-red forum as well, as I thought it is a pretty general question for Node-Red. Got a nice answer over there Reuse node-red change node for multiple entities - #2 by Syntox
Apparently, sensors do not support templates for icons to be changed based on the state. Anyone has any idea how I can change e.g. the color of the door icon to red when the door is open?
In Lovelace you can indicate whether the binary sensor’s icon should change color based on state. It will be yellow when on, and not yellow when off.
Additionally, you can use a custom Lovelace element (in HACS) called “multiple-entity-row”. It is extremely flexible in the options to present data in the frontend.
ist es möglich das runterzuladen damit ich mir das mal in Node Red anschauen kann?
Ich bin noch sehr am anfang von Node Red .
OK here are my Bluelinky flows. Not sure this works. For obvious reasons you still need to fill in your vehicle’s information in the node that gets the data from the server. Enjoy!