Integration of a Fronius Symo Gen 24 plus Inverter via Modbus TCP

Aww cheers :smiley: Works very well out of the box !!!

This works great! Thank you!
It provides all the necessary values without any hassle! :+1:

I managed to get Sunspec Intergration to work. I am struggeling with my intergration of 2 inverters. My setup looks like that:

1st inverter is a Fronius GEN 24 (hybrid)
2nd inverter is a Fronius Symo 8.2-3M wich is connected to the first inverter.

I do only get power values from the first inverter. I activated Modbus in my Gen24 inverter.

In HA the SunSpec Configuration shows the following devices:

Has anyone managed to get the values of 2 inverters showing up in HA?

Appreciate to get some hints to get a sum of produced energy from both inverters.

i write you a personal Message :slight_smile:

I get the values for 2 inverters connected through Daisy chain. For that i have set up the integration twice, once for each invertor.

Is there anyone that have been able to get battery charge/discharge control via Modbus and if so then how did you manage that?

Yes, I found parts of the solution on Reddit and posted my own findings here.
If anyone is interested I can share my modbus configuration and scripts to force the battery to charge.



I try to use this integration for my Fronius Gen24 Plus, but i don’t know where to place the “Derived Template Sensors” - Section.

When i put it into my configuration.yaml i get errors like:
“while parsing a block mapping in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 220, column 5 expected ‘<block end>’, but found '<block mapping start>

Can anyone help me?

The 8x mean that the structure ignores the following 8 bytes.

When you look at the Fronius table you see after the scale factors some not supportet or needed registers with a size of 2, 1 and 1 (1x 32bit, 2x 16bit) wich results in 8 Bytes

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have you managed to modify parameters in modbus in the inventer fronius, such as varying the load times??

for information the parameters returned by modbus to a KNX app this gives an indication of what is done by a commercial app

hi @JLRDomotique can you elaborate a bit more on your use case?

I am making my choice between Fronius and Huawei with a set of 22 kwp photovoltaic panels with a three-phase inverter and a battery volume to maximize the autonomy of the house I had left for Huawei but Huawei’s backupbox in the event of a power outage, only works on one phase whereas fronius has a three-phase backup plus inventing it fronius has a maximum capacity that better corresponds to the sizing of my PV plus fronius seems to have more autonomous software in operation with modbus and is more independent of brand servers. Having a good experience of home automation I know the importance of autonomy and my house is almost automated in KNX with its own home assistant logic module being for me above all a control interface the essential remaining in the wired KNX bus excuse- me if Google translation of translated by always well what I mean My home automation is able to intelligently use the use of the energy produced I have the choice as an interface with modbus to use either the elausys gateway which only does return the data from the inventer either a modbus -KNX gateway which can return the data from the inventer but also if the fronius inverter allows it to modify parameters according to storage or consumption needs, in particular according to weather conditions I hope to be clear enough

I would not go for that Elausys gateway, but for something more versatile like a Weinzierl 716 or just HA. After all it is just a “unidirectional Fronius locked” ModbusTCP-KNX gateway.

I’m interested: What does it cost?

With HA you get the same functionality with like 50 lines of Yaml :rofl:

you’re right in terms of cost and I’m thinking of going to a pure ModbusTCP-KNX gateway that would allow me other connections to modbus but I still don’t know if to invent it. fronius accepts sending commands to its own parameters (from this topic I think so, but I’d like to be sure) as far as HA commanding the fronius, that doesn’t fit in my way of operating my home automation where the logical functions are delegated to a specific KNX module HA only serves me for specific devices such as television and audio so as to be the least dependent on the NUC which carries the VMs with HA

Hey all, just starting this deep dive here as I am due to get batteries installed in a couple of months. I wanted to be able to control the charging / discharging via home assistant as in Australia we have a ‘demand’ charge, so I want to ensure the batteries are full and being used between 4pm and 8pm, to reduce the charge.

I’m making good progress, and played around with both int+sf and float. Before I get too deep is there any advantage or disadvantage to each? float seems to have one fewer step with converting the data, I know i’ll have to convert some values no matter what (mppt values). I guess I’d prefer float as its less work, but I don’t want to have a issue later and have to change everything over to int+sf.

I currently have fronuis symo gen 24, and will be getting byd battery and another fronius symo with more panels.

Thanks for everyones work and posts… its been super helpful.


As I want to track the ISO value as well as control my battery I enabled Modbus on my Gen24 but it always give a “Slave device failure” (Modbus exception response code 4). I haven’t added the Modbus configuration in HA yet but instead tested it with two different Modbus CLI clients, for checking it out (one Python based and another Perl based). These two clients have been successfully used against my Nibe heat pump. Requesting random non-available Modbus register from the heat pump generates an “Invalid data address” error (Modbus exception response code 2).

Is there some tricks to get the gen24 Modbus “engine” in an operational state? Or some other configuration or similar that is important to perform before using the Modbus TCP slave?


Yes please @bigramon. Can you share your complete modbus configuration and scripts to force the battery to charge.

Would help a lot to understand it all and give a lot of inspiration.


Here you go.
Let me know if you have any question.

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Awesome! Thank you very much.

How do you trigger your scripts? Spot price?

How does your automation and configuration file and dashboard for this look like?

BR mats