Integration of Paskville smart handle (Secuyou Smart Lock)?

Sadly the lock doesn’t works as it advertised on their website. (matter version) Bought one to only realise that it hasn’t got any functions besides unlock and lock. No way to control the home lock or privacy lock. Nor through ha or Google home. Haven’t got any answer from them when or with what eco system works. So I guess it is a device not ready for the market.

The firmware on my lock is also version prerelease. Bought the device directly from their website.

I have one for testing here, and yes, that function is not implemented by the thread border router from Google or Alexa, the functions are there, and the thread border router implementers are working on showing it. It is not something that SecuYou can fix.

Video about the SecuYou handle is released, it’s in danish though, but very interesting product:
And there is a 10% discount code for the quick ones.

Bought the matter device and yes, very disappointing that it does not work as advertised, they should mention this in their webshop.

Anyone knows when we can have the homelock working?

You should ask open thread border, I’ve been told its the border routers that doesn’t support it yet, the lock apparently has the functionality.