Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

Thanks, I’m using similar method.

But I have problems every morning with connection to my inverter. It seems like when inverter goes to standby mode in the night, my HA modbus couldn’t connect back to it in the morning.
HA do not read values till I disconnect and connect back my wifi adapter.

Does someone had similar problems?

I have optimizers installed and wonder if there is away to read out data from those? I use Emilv2 excellent component.


I tried Emilv2 component, I see inverted added, entities added in the log entries, but no entity is created.
If I use the modbus component, I’m able to read out some values.

I have a SUN2000-4.6KTL-L1 inverter.
Can somebody provide troubleshooting steps i can use to get the custom component working?

Not sure how to explain this but Emilv2 component has not been working for me for some weeks so today I finally decided to make the switch and try the modbus

I added the below modbus lines plus some of the platform sensors listed in previous threads and all of a sudden Emilv2 component started to work again?

name: solar
type: tcp
host: 192.168.x.x
port: 502

Hi Gerry,

if you use a single phase connection, you have to use register 32066 instead of 32069 to get the correct voltage.

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Hi all,
First of all, thank you for the great post. I learned a lot!

Unfortunately I’m still some steps behind, because I’m not able to communicate the inverter with HA.

I have the situation already described were the SUN2000 (without the -L) has two wifi connections, and the Modbus server is on the wifi that the inverter creates (SUN2000-HVxxxxx with IP
As the inverter is quite far of the HA server I tried to use an old Raspberry Pi 2 to communicate.

The wired connection of this raspberry is on my home network, and the wifi dongle connects to the inverter. I can confirm this raspberry can communicate with the inverter because I get answers when I use the Python huawei-solar.

   >>> import huawei_solar
   >>> inverter = huawei_solar.HuaweiSolar ('')
   >>> inverter.get ("model_name")
   Result(value='SUN2000-3KTL-L1', unit=None)

My problem is that I cannot make the inverter reachable from the HA server (I can only ping it from the auxiliar Raspberry). I tried to follow several recommendations on internet, but I did not succeed.
I need to access from to the on the raspberry, and it is not clear to my if I have to set a NAT on raspberry, forward traffic, set some rules in “Iptables”, try port forwarding and define the Pi’s IP on the HA (forwarding with input port 502), try subnetting, …

Could anyone explain how to set it? Maybe @jeroenmooij or others had exactly the same situation?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hi @Cesc your problem is - indeed - similar to the problem I had.

I here posted my situation and solution. I hope it works for you as well

Have you encountered integration problem and unreachable entities beginning from March 26 morning? I know about some maintenance service works but app now os working fine.

Can you describe me what configuration you use to connect huawei access point to wifi of you RB, and use ethernet as an internet access ?

any idea about getting battery charge level?
I read the pdf “Interface Definitions (V3.0)” but the tag: “[Energy
storage unit 1] Current-day charge capacity* RO U32 kWh 100 37015 2” at address 37015 doesn’t work. It is always 0!
The other tags work very well.


I have a SUN2000L-5KTL with a LG RESU-7H battery connected.
The battery related registers 37015, 37017, 37000, etc. seem (intentionally, I think) unavailables.
On the document “Solar Inverter Modbus Interface Definitions (V3.0).pdf” such registers are tagged as “supported only by certain models or standard codes”.
These are the reasons because of I suspect the that they are intentionally masked:
During last months I had some discussion with Huawei technical support because of a very poor actual efficiency of the energy storage system.
It never is higher than 80% at high power discharge, very worse at low power discharge.
The self-discharge, when the battery is inactive, is as high as 0,5-1KWh each night!
(Despite the installation site assure the best environmental conditions, 15 to 30°C along the whole year).
Recently something changed on the Huawei FusionSolar app about the storage energy computation. Now the auto-discharge energy is computed as returned energy (!), while previously it was not. Really a bit strange.
Also it is a bit strange that there is no manner to find any document wich reports the actual efficiency of the LG RESU batteries. The DC efficiency only is published, but it does not include the intensive internal DC-DC converter self-consumption. If someone is able to find it, let me know, please.
I asked to Huawei and LG technical support a document wich report the storage global efficiency with no reply.
I also asked to Huawei the same info about theyr “LUNA” storage systems. While the support service replied quickly to any other request, no reply received to this request, even after solicitation.
I suggest to everybody to ask for this data before the purchasing of any storage system and I suggest to any owner of storage system to claim to the Huawei support service the unmasking of the registers.

However it seems that someone has been able to read the battery registers, have a look to Request for aditional atributes · Issue #3 · Emilv2/huawei_solar · GitHub

Hi, can you tell me how do you get data from the inverter more than once every 5 minutes? I also want to make similar, maybe less fancy dashboards in Grafana, but 5 minutes is 20 times too rare;)

If you comunicate directly with inverter modbus RTU port no any restrictions with requests periodicity,
you can read registers every 2 seconds

only one problem if you use wifi dongle, dongle acts as modbus master and periodicaly causes collisions with your requests

Ok, so modbus is the way I need to know. can you pick up where to start?

Hi what are you connecting to rs485 in inverter? rs485> wifi or maybe rs485> usb> rpi?
And could you please provide a piece of script that downloads data via RS485 and puts it into Influxdb? :slight_smile:
Can you drop a proven interface on the Allegro? :wink:

You can use TCP->UDP MODBUS converter in example USR-DR302 from aliexpress

Dane można pobierać łącząc się do falownika poprze WiFi, tylko nie do tego z smart dongle, tylko tego wbudowanego AP w falownik. Skoro dane chcesz zapisywać do influxdb, a więc musisz mieć już jakieś urządzenie które pracuje 24/7. Jeśli jest to rpi to wystarczy dorzucić jakieś wifi na usb które łączy się do falownika, zainstalować Home Assistent i skonfigurować integrację. Jeśli jest to NAS to można zrobić podobnie. Dane domyślnie pobierane są co 30s w czasie rzeczywistym, ale można to zmienić i pobierać częściej. U mnie z racji teg że falownik jest zamontowany w garażu to użyłem dodatkowy stary router którego skonfigurowałem w trybie gateway zablokowałem dhcp i podpiełem pod sieć domową. Jeśli wolisz jakieś własne rozwiązanie to możesz przy pomocy python sam wyciągać konkretne dane i wysyłać je do bazy danych huawei-solar · PyPI

Super, dzięki za tip. Grafanę z influxem mam już od dawna i używam do wielu dashboardów, od pogody, smogu, danych z pieca co, temperatur w domu aż do zużycia energii. Ale PV wjechała na dach dwa tygodnie temu a to kolejne źródło cennych danych :wink: a te wykresy w fusionsolar odświeżane co 5 minut o ile w ogóle działa to jest słabe. Ok, To teraz muszę ogarnąć wifi clienta w pobliżu falownika i działam :slight_smile: Dzięki jeszcze raz, może wrócę jeszcze z pytaniami trochę później.
może jedno teraz. A czy potrzebuje uprawnienia admina na falowniku? w sensie czy jest jakieś hasło ustawione przez instalatorów które może mi popsuć zabawę?

Może być zmienione hasło do faownika do wifi. Domyślnie jest Changeme i hasło instalatora 00000a. Jeśli da się połączyć aplikacją FusionHome to z podłączeniem Home Assistenta nie powinno być problemu.

The register 37001 (battery power) works for me.

- name: PV1 battery power
        register: 37001
        unit_of_measurement: W
        count: 2
        data_type: int