Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

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Boris pleas can you help a neighbor from Zagreb with the integration of Sun2000-10 KTL in home assistant .thanks a lot

HI i am with low skill of programing so pleas help me.I have three phases sun2000-10 ktl inverter and PI for home assistant.if i understand easy mode is to move PI close to the inverter and he will with wifi connect with home assistant.PI is connected with Lan to my pc network.i instal Emilv files to custom_components/huawei_solar/ and in configuration.yaml i insert lines


  • platform: huawei_solar
    host: ‘’

if i understand that is all .after this step home assistant will connect and take data from inverter.

pleas did i am on the right way? many thanks and regards

That is correct. If you do every think like you wrote it should work…

Thanks, Rafal i will test tomorrow, now it is in off state .any possibility to on and off inverter remotely ?regards

I have 8ktl and it’s working 24/7. It should work even not connected to the grid if you only didn’t switch it off physically on the inverter.

thanks yes i will swich on all day mode in the morning when conection to inverter start working .so if all is conected on right way home ass. will report that find new sensors .PI3 is now 5 metar from inverter .that aplication is just what i need all time .i will report toomorow.many thanks

I keep getting this below error:

Platform error sensor.huawei_solar - No module named ‘huawei_solar’

18:28:25 – Home Assistant Supervisor (ERROR) - message first occurred at 18:26:14 and shows up 3 times

You are using a custom integration for huawei_solar which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.

18:26:08 – (WARNING)

i try today but nothing happened,no new sensors .question

1.did i need any usb stick with some instruction for connecting RPI with the inverter i chek that rpi is conected with the inverter i can chek that i have installed custom integration for Huawei solar or this will be install after finding new senzors from the inverter

on check configuratio i dont have any mistake


Frans if i understand good this solution no need for connection with inverter , all data pooling from huawei cloud .correct ?

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Yes, you don’t need connection with internet.
With this integration you will get less data then from connection to inverter.

  1. Configuration of Pi was shown in this topic. I don’t have Pi so I can’t help.
  2. If you have access to pi ssh, then you can ping inverter. If ping is working you can from python manulay connect to inverter ant try to reed some data (also instraction is in this topic)
  3. You can check logs, if you have correctly installed custom integration, you will have info that you can’t connect to inverter or it will show new entity in HA.

thanks Rafal on your time .I wll try and ask for help if i missing .yes best solution is connecting with inverter .i have problem with wifi connection on PI .usb solution not work for me .
integration of files sad no errors so wifi is problem nb1.

one step ahead.i set up a wifi network and i am connected with inverter .sistem give me a mistake when i write command

in configuration.yamal .

This is YAML. Spaces are important. If you are using other sensors then add it under sensors section if not then just delete spaces before word “sensors:”.

Finall i recive data from inverter .now lets make a nice grafs .thanks on all help

anybody know how to switch auto hybernations of the inverter on off ? can’t find this option in Fusion home app.

i receving only one live data from inverter is this correct (production in real time ) .all other data is not refreshing .did i making something wrong ?

It is only one entity, but in attribute of this entity you should have more live data. I have also power meter connected to inverter so I have even more data.

thanks i solve problem.only problem is auto hybernation of inverter.

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Cloud (easy to setup)
This script i write will pull the data from the Huawei FusionSolar cloud.
Data you will get:

  • kWh LifeTime
  • kWh year
  • kWh month
  • kWh today
  • Wh now (with small delay)

From the inverter (take some effort to configure):
The integration will pull the all data direct form the inverter (like kWh, temperature etc.)

For both solutions you need a wifi/lan connection.

When you have connected a smart electric meter, the following integration can be useful: