What do you see when you Open “dispositivo connesso” on first screenshot?
Image 2 (Inverter-1) and Image 3 (Inverter-1(1)) it’s what I see clicking on “Dispositivo Connesso” for the first Inverter. Image 4 and 5 for the second inverter.
Did you click in the blue text? For me I see connected devices to inverter, 2,3,4 and 5 screenshot I see when I touch over the blue text.
So if I correctly understand you have two inverters and in one of them is pluged in Smart dongle and both are connected together by modbus. From this integration do you see in HA data from both inverter or from first one? I think the Smart meter could be on slave: 2 or 3.
So, slave on “2” made the magic, apparently “1” refers to a single battery and “3” refers to the other 2.
Now that I can read from Power Sensor (and I already modified the entities based on the new setup), ho do I configure the Energy tab? Thanks!
I don’t know how this integration work with multiple inverters, propably the first inverter is on slave 1 and second one on slave 2. If it is as I wrote then better will be modbus integration. In energy tam you need energy exported, energy accumulated and Total yield.
I tried with following wording but apparently I ain’t getting anything.
- name: Huawei Solar
type: tcp
port: 502
Which is kind of hilarious, when they claim to get ModbusTCP support you have to be on 124 for the dongle and 139 for the inverter…
Straight from their own documentation. However with those versions in place on mine, the ModbusTCP option to set it unrestricted is missing, and can no longer talk Modbus to it.
Did you find it worked again after downgrading to 123 on the dongle? I’ve kicked off a rollback so will check it again in the morning.
I did… to get this option available for setup I had to update FusionSolar app.
Currently I have verion 5.7.059 on my android phone and the parameter to enable ModbusTCP is there
and by default after update it was disabled.
Hope after this update you will also find it.
Yer I just found that this morning, because the app isn’t available in the play store it’s all a manual upgrade. After upgrading it is finally there, and have been able to re-enable modbus support. Cheers for replying.
Also one other thing I noticed, was that I can no longer connect to it across subnets. It will only accept connections from IP’s within the same network segment, at least using unrestricted mode. I’ll have to give it a test using the restricted mode and a specific IP later today.
Hi Emil, your app looks awesome, just got an inverter but am getting an error … could not get register ‘model_id’:asyncio timeout.
read it could be inverter firmware so I have attached some version info, hopefully you can help.
also -
I am connected to the inverters internal AP, when connecting to the inverter on LAN, it gave a could not find host error, presumably because port 502 was in use for the internet monitoring portal?
I have the same issue (model_id asyncio timeout).
My firmware versions:
V100R001C00SPC123 for sdongle
V100R001C00SPC139 for inverter
I can connect via 502 with qModMaster and telnet via WiFi and LAN.
But when using Read registers in qModMaster I don’t get any data.
Can I ask a potentially stupid question? What is this ‘dongle’? I see a host on my LAN with port 502 open which I can’t access (assume it’s because the Internet portal monitoring is using it). There is also an AP on the inverter which I can access with the RasPi and can access 502. This changed my error from ‘cant find host’ to ‘cant get model_id’
Hi, I’m trying to figure out how to enable Modbus on my system, checking from QModMaster port 502 is open and I can ping the IP but I get a read data fail message.
------- Modbus TCP : Ping IP -------
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=26ms TTL=255
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=255
Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=255
Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=255
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 8ms, Maximum = 26ms, Average = 12ms
------- Modbus TCP : Check Port Status -------
Connected.Port is opened
------- Modbus Diagnotics : Report Slave ID 1 -------
Read diagnostics data failed.
Error : No error
From the app, updated to the last version, I can’t find the way to enable it. If I select the dongle I the message “Device details are not supported for this type of device”.
What firmware do you have on the inverter and the dongle? I assume you’ve gone in and enabled it to be unrestricted?
V100R001C00SPC123, dongle came with this version, I don’t even know how to update it if needed, I don’t see any option about it.