Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

A bit late, life got between.
It works fine in the developer tools template but still gives me this adding it to bottom of configuration.yawl:

Invalid config for [sensor]: required key not provided @ data['platform']. Got None. (See ?, line ?).

Beta release 1.1.0b2

New: Optimizer support

I finally managed to read the optimizer data via the convoluted way that Huawei exposes this over Modbus. Iā€™ve had to reverse-engineer the FusionSolar app to figure out some extra details not mentioned in the ā€œSolar Inverter Modbus Definitionsā€-pdf.

This data is refreshed every 5 minutes, as the inverter does not offer more granular updates.

Exposed entities per optimizer:

  • Input Current
  • Input Voltage
  • Output Current
  • Output Voltage
  • Output Power
  • Temperature
  • Accumulated Energy Yield
  • Voltage to Ground (disabled by default)
  • Running Status (online/offline/disconnected)

Please read the complete release notes for more information: GitHub: Huawei Solar v1.1.0b2

You can install this update via HACS by enabling the ā€˜Show beta versionsā€™ toggle:


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great job as always, we need to have installer extras box ticked? I never activated so I assume that i need to uninstall and install again the integration?

Yes, you will need to remove the integration and add it again in order to check the box. It was an unpleasant surprise that the inverter threw a permission denied error when trying to get the inverter data without elevated permissions :neutral_face: . Luckily Iā€™ve already successfully reverse-engineered the login sequence a few months ago to be able to set the battery parameters :slight_smile:

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yes loaded properly :slight_smile: Will we be able to see what each solar panel / optimizer produces each day? For what I have seen all is there except this one.

great job once again !!!

The inverter does not expose a per-day total for each optimizer. You can of course use utility_meter to deduct those values from the Accumulated Total Yield of each optimizer.

In other news: I updated the beta from 1.1.0b2 to 1.1.0b3 to fix a time-issue which caused the values reported for each optimizer to be from two hours ago. The inverter does some really weird stuff with the timestamps and timezones, and Iā€™m not sure how to parse/create them correctly (cfr. GitHub issue). I worked around it for the optimizers usecase by using the current system time of the optimizer instead of computing it myself :slight_smile:

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I was running on v1.0.2 and tried to upgrade to beta and got ā€œString Index Out Of Rangeā€ error. Iā€™ve uninstalled the integration and removed repository, but now I get the same error when trying to re-download repo for any version - so Iā€™m unable to reinstall entirely. Ideas?

Download from GitHub and copy the integration manually to your custom components folder and restart.
Configure as usual, have a beer and it should work

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hi this is a comparison of fusion solar exported energu in 1 day vs italian Distribution System Operator meter:

Fusion solar exceeding about 2% :).


@wlcrs Hi thank you very much for your effort on the integration really done a great job. Please is there any way how to add historical data to the sensors? I have two use cases when it would be really helpfull:

  1. not using integration from the beginning but connect it later
  2. If the HA is down and missed data from inverter cannot load it when it comes online

Is there anything we can do about it? I would be glad to spend some development time to allow it but Im not completely familiar with HA or huwai solar concepts. but would definitely try with some guaidance. Thank you very much

Iā€™m not aware of such a feature in the HA API. Maybe you can find something on

I have already successfully downloaded historical data from the inverter, so that part would already be covered (mostly).

I created the PyFusionSolarDataRelay github project which currently can relay data from Huawei cloud to InfluxDB and This project fetches the data from the Huawei FusionSolar Kiosk backend.

I think Iā€™ll probably add MQTT support soon, which could then be routed to Home Assistant. Most of the code is by the way based on Grott, which is a sort-of-similar project for Growatt inverters.

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MQTT support has now been added to v1.0.2.
That means PyFusionSolarDataRelay kan now forward FusionSolar Kiosk data to:

Itā€™s quite easy to subscribe Home Assistant to the MQTT topics (if MQTT is implemented)
Iā€™ll add some home assistant templates soon to show how you can subscribe to the MQTT topics for setting up the energy dashboards etc.

If anyone canā€™t wait and would like to provide some assistance: Here are the basics for another inverter type which need to be ported to the PyFusionSolarDataRelay data format.


Finally I got answer from Huawei Technical Support about the reason why it happens: the inverter works very inefficient (15%-20% losts) if its operation mode is only to follow the home energy demand , the proper configuration to get the optimal efficiency of the inverter is in the mode converting all the PV energy generated, it means injecting into the grid the energy not consumed into the home. I changed the inverter configuration and now it works with the correct efficiency.

Have you solved this issue? Which mode do you have configured your inverter?: following only the home energy demand or converting all generated PV energy?

See may comment, may be could help you if it is your case: link

Hi all,

I have followed good practice and (skim) read through the topic. Can I please check my understanding of how to join the party? For context I have a Sun2000 and a Luna 15KWh battery at home.

I have two wifi points, one is the connection to my home network (192.168.1.x) which is the connection that then goes on to populate my FusionSolar app information.

I also have the Sun2000 AP beaming away on 2.4Ghz.

In order to use this component to extract the data I need to bridge the two networks, and 192.168.1.x.

Is that correct? After I have done that and can get my HA to see the inverter I am good to go?

Many thanks

just start here:

Hi everybody!

A bit off-topic here as I think most of the conversation is geared towards getting the data directly from the inverter through WiFi, but I have just uploaded a configuration to get the data from the inverter using EPShome and Modbus RTU. This has been rock solid for me for as long as I have had it and is easier to setup than what one might think.

One thing to keep in mind is that you really need to put your wifi-router close to the Sun2000. The range of the Sun2000-Wifi is extremely low. I had my router in the same room as the Sun2000 (my garage) about 3 meter away and got lots of disconnects. Moving it to about 1-1.5 meters from the inverter, the connection is rock-solid. It has been up for over 22 days now.

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Could be. I never really tried the WiFi thing. I had already flashed the first version to the ESP before getting the inverter. Once I figured out the timings, I only have trouble when I try to ā€œimproveā€ the code. Otherwise it has been rock solid since easter (2 months already)