Integration with hikvision ax pro alarm system

Hi folks, sorry I’ve been inactive, just checked back in on this thread. The code I have working is emmetdel/hikvision-api ( for anyone that is interested. For the ax hub pro, it handles auth differently, you need to get session parameters for the alarm first and then generate a password based on the salt and iterations it specifies etc. This is all done in my code in the repo above. The repo itself isn’t maintained as I don’t really use Home Assistant anymore but everything that is needed to interact with the AX hub Pro is included in that repo. Any other questions feel free to ask. I’ll try and check back in here to answer them.

Hello to everyone
@emmentdel How can I install this plug-in on Hassio?
I need connect to AX Pro hub


Hi Raffaele, no this cannot be installed in Hass, it is just a utility to get data from the Ax hub pro, you could run it on a machine and pass the data to Hass through something like mqtt. This would require your own custom implementation. I may do something like this in the future but for now I just don’t have the time.

i saw you are working with AX PROs and i cant find any help anywhere on the net…but i have a lot of AX PROs and i wanted to create a script to reboot them automatically every 1 day.

I created a custom python script with a PUT request (like http://admin:pass@ip/system/reboot) that work for Hik Cameras but it doesnt work for AX PRO.

i m getting status code 4 , invalid operation , low privilege.

Can someone point me in the right direction how to achieve that?

Using auth digest will not work for ax hub pro, it has a higher level of security, see code here for an example of how to encode a password to use to login to the ax hub pro.

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Ahh i see thanks.
Can you help me a bit more to make it work?I know just basic python functions (i m not a programmer) and i m struggling to see how to achieve the login process.

Hi andrea

the implementation work perfect
Do you know how to know the status of the zones or wireless devices?

Hello everyone,
I have an Ax Pro and want to control it locally without any internet access.
It seems there is no way for now to do it. So I decided to make an integration for hass.

Now I am creating a python package to be used in hass alarm_control_panel integration.

Thanks a lot to @emmetdel for the typescript code for authentication. I just converted them to python (only changed a few things in encryption methods to make it work in python.)

here is the github repo of python package: hikaxpro

I’ll start to develop the hass integration i a few days but i am new to hass, so first i have to figure out integration development.

Any help, advise, contribution will be appreciated.

Thnx for sharing… I don’t have an alarm, only hikvision door intercom stuff… But isn’t it better to use the SDK instead of ISAPi commands? I think you are limited with ISAPi , it’s also based on polling? I use the SDK to grab events from my intercom

I am not too sure that the SDK exposes the api’s needed to interact with the Ax Hub Pro, although I may be wrong. What language are you using to interact with the SDK? Can you share your implementation please? I have not revisited my code in quite some time but I plan on making a nice implentation to interact with my cameras and ax hub pro in the near future when I get time. I’ll share the results here when I do.

its written in python, here you go below, SDK exposes more then ISAPI, i started with isapi too before

but remember, sdk only works on x32/64 , no RPI

this can be helpfull either for isapi, i shared it on my dropbox

Awesome @pergola.fabio thanks for that! is there any documentation around the SDK? I looked at it before with C# but it was too confusing without any documentation to help.

np,i didnt create code, i just grabbed it from the owner, and created an addon to share for hikvision users here… i think it will be a good start point for you

if you download the SDK package from hikvision, all guides are included

Hi community,

has anyone been able to athenticate to an AXPro using home assistant / ISAPI?

I am trying to get my alarm connected to home assistant, running in a docker container on a Synology NAS.

Kind regards,

Hi All,

I build a very basic integration that can arm(home and away) and disarm Hikvision Ax Pro panels.
You can add it as a custom HACS repository.

@pergola.fabio , I tried the SDK after you sent it but with no luck. It does not authenticate with Ax Pro panel. I tried with the C# examples delivered with the SDK download and also played a bit with the code but couldn’t make it work.

There is still a way i think to build a local push integration instead of a local pull where you can set the ARC info with ISAPI at least for the alarm notifications and maybe sensor status updates.
This is what they called the listening mode I guess.
I’ll look into this as well if I’ll have some time.


Yeah,sorry can’t help with that … I only have the intercom models, no alarm system

@gunkutz did you have any chance to look into push notifications? There should be a way to push at least alarm notifications since android app receives them.

Hi @ali.hsn2000 ,

I haven’t coded anything but there is an integration already in place. It is called SIA Alarm Systems.
I use it for getting alarm notifications right now. You can set an ARC and give Home assistent IP and a port of your choice. This way HA will receive alarm notifications.
It can be used in automations like turning on the lights if an alarm notification is received.

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