Integration with SMA Solar STP 10000TL-20 via SBFspot

I stumbled across the same thing.
But it’s quite easy to solve.

I have a Rapberrypi Zero W running sbfspot, as my inverters only have one Bluetooth interface.

Two different configurations simply ensure that you query both inverters one after the other via the crontab and then send them via mqtt.

Both configurations send via their own topic and Homeassistant simply listens to # and can therefore also receive both topics.

In the HA config, simply sort by topic and you can integrate more than one inverter.

The question is whether you want to have one or two displays?

I also installed this a few weeks ago, and all seems to work. I get the values and nice graphs.

But sometimes during the day i get these errors in the logs :

2021-08-25 07:31:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable error: 'value_json' is undefined when rendering '{{ value_json.EToday }}'
2021-08-25 07:31:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable error: 'value_json' is undefined when rendering '{{ value_json.ETotal }}'

my config looks like this:

    name: "Zonnepaneel Omvormer 1 dag"
    state_topic: "sbfspot_2100071280"
    unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
    value_template: "{{ value_json.EToday }}"
    last_reset_topic: 'sbfspot_2100071280'
    last_reset_value_template: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
    state_class: 'measurement'
    device_class: 'energy'
    icon: mdi:solar-power
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Zonnepaneel Omvormer 1 totaal"
    state_topic: "sbfspot_2100071280"
    unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
    value_template: "{{ value_json.ETotal }}"
    last_reset_topic: 'sbfspot_2100071280'
    last_reset_value_template: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
    state_class: 'measurement'
    device_class: 'energy'
    icon: mdi:solar-power

I can’t see what is wrong, because this looks the same as the config of aynema

It looks like with the latest 2021.9 update that the total power should change from state_class: ‘measurement’ to ‘total_increasing’.

I’ve now moved to the same way of collecting data as others with the right settings for Total Energy Produced and this came up when I did the amendment today.

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I am looking for someone to test my conversion of my Bluetooth SBFspot addon to Ethernet. I need to confirm it actually connects to an inverter over ethernet! My Inverter is only bluetooth.
Thanks in advance!

The thread on the bluetooth version

HAOS-SBFspot repo GitHub - habuild/hassio-addons: Home Assistant addon using SBFspot Bluetooth SMA inverters

The new ethernet version is here GitHub - habuild/hassio

An example yaml config is here You should just need to put in your Inverter IP and perhaps password? Not sure, I don’t use the ethernet version. Whatever you would normally use on a Non HA SBFspot version anyway. I just need to confirm it connects and receives data before I swap it over to my other Repo into my main version. you can leave fake details(you can make up your own) in to get the yaml config page to save.

You don’t need MQTT, MariaDB or a PVOutput account to test the connection, Although feed back on those would be useful(let me know if you are going to try live to PVOutput I disabled it for the moment.)

Connection_Type: Ethernet
BTAddress: '00:00:00:00:00:00'
Password: yoourpass
LocalBTAddress: '00:00:00:00:00:00'
IP_Address: '255:255:255:255'
Plantname: plantname
MIS_Enabled: 0
OutputPath: /data/sbfspot/%Y
OutputPathEvents: /data/sbfspot/%Y/events
Latitude: -37.81
Longitude: 144.96
Timezone: Australia/Melbourne
DateTimeFormat: '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'
DateFormat: '%d/%m/%Y'
DecimalPoint: comma
TimeFormat: '%H:%M:%S'
SynchTime: '0'
SynchTimeLow: '1'
SynchTimeHigh: '3600'
SunRSOffset: '900'
Locale: en-US
CalculateMissingSpotValues: '1'
BTConnectRetries: '10'
CSV_Export: '0'
CSV_ExtendedHeader: '1'
CSV_Header: '1'
CSV_SaveZeroPower: '1'
CSV_Delimiter: semicolon
CSV_Spot_TimeSource: Inverter
CSV_Spot_WebboxHeader: '0'
SQL_Database: SBFspot
SQL_Hostname: core-mariadb
SQL_Port: '3306'
SQL_Username: sbfspot
SQL_Password: passowrd
MQTT_Publisher: /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub
MQTT_Host: core-mosquitto
MQTT_Port: '1883'
MQTT_Topic: homeassistant/sbfspot_{plantname}/sbfspot_{serial}
MQTT_ItemFormat: '"{key}": {value}'
MQTT_ItemDelimiter: comma
MQTT_PublisherArgs: '-h {host} -u usernom -P wordpass -t {topic} -m \"{{message}}\" -d'
MQTT_Data: >-
PVoutput_SID: yourSID0123456789:12345
PVoutput_Key: fake9364fake4545fake834fake
LogDir: /data/sbfspot/log/
LogLevel: info

Edit: 13/08/2022

Ethernet version has been moved into the main repo. It isn’t tested as yet, but it doesn’t effect the Bluetooth version so…
Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.