Intel NUC 3,5mm jack audio output with Docker


I always was using the following code for audio output:

- platform: vlc
  name: speaker_1
  arguments: '--alsa-audio-device=hw:0,0'

Now i have migrated to an Intel NUC, there is still a 3,5mm jack output but how do i control it?
I am using docker and forwarded the complete /dev to the HA container.

  1. There is no VLC player or amixer on the host. It is a docker host.



Maybe you must define in docker as --device, same as you would zwave or bluetooth

I have forwarded the /dev/snd as a device. But ha is giving error:

Error while setting up platform vlc - no function ‘libvlc_new’

I think this vlc component is not in the docker image

They had same problem.
Installed some utils into docker container. Maybe need request devs to add into container

The problem by adding dependencies in the container is that the container cant be deleted without loosing the installations of those components. Is there any way to extend for example the docker-compose with instructions to add those VLC dependencies?

I don’t use docker compose but I believe installing dependency in compose is possible.

For testing/troubleshooting install in containers may be useful