Interlogix Ultrasync

I am getting that error within my docker container that is running on Synology as the host.

Ahh I see what you’re doing here. This is my mistake because you need to fetch from this custom branch. I belive my instructions are now temporarily out-dated since the version on pypi (from pip install ultrasync is pulling down a version that isn’t really to the point we’re at now). From within your Synology Docker container, try doing the following (it should fix you up):

# make sure it's not already installed (so you don't have any conflicts)
pip uninstall ultrasync

# Then install the branch version:
pip install git+

Not your mistake at all but just shows I am a bit of a fool, sorry should have noticed I wasnt using the update branch. Looking good on my end!!!

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Question for all who have Hills ComNav hub. Can you arm your device if a motion sensor has been tripped? Or do you have to wait until the sensor has cleared itself? For the Informix model (the one i have anyway), I need to wait until all sensors have been cleared before I can arm it.

Thus to further this difference, the Informix goes in a Not Ready state (for the area) when a sensor associated with it has been tripped. Meanwhile the Hills ComNav goes into a No System Fault setting. Behind the scenes i changed the No System Fault to Ready because that’s what appears to happen under the scenes already (based on the Hills ComNav status.js). Is this acceptable? Or should it be Not Ready like it is for the Informix Hub? Or should i just write No System Fault to the output?

It’s also worth noting to all of you that the following command is a splitting image to the mirroring that will take place on your HA:

# A live preview; sensors should toggle just as they will in HA once integrated:
ultrasync --watch

Hey Chris,

I’m able to Arm the alarm when a sensor is tripped.

Didn’t take the time to do the watch command. Sorry.

I can also arm after a motion sensor is tripped but its worth noting that they reset extremely quickly. I would have to do some more playing around but I am pretty confident there are some sensors that I can arm when they are open and some sensors that do not allow me to arm when they are open unless I manually bypass them in the app or the panel. I imagine this is a setting that can be adjusted in the backend of the alarm somewhere but I have never played with it.

On the second subject I think its worth noting that my system will say “No System Faults” while its both Ready and Not Ready. On the webpage it flashes back and forth ~1 every second between Ready & No system Faults (In green background) or Not Ready & No system Faults (In grey background). I think this might actually break your logic and as you can see in HA my system never actually went into “Not Ready” today even though there was many many times it should have.


and I dont think you need to see it but my --watch seems to work fine except when it says “no system faults” I think it actually means “not ready” which is discussed above

./.local/bin/ultrasync -c ultrasync/config.conf --watch
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] MasterBed Motion        : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Living Room Motion      : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Kitchen/DiningMotion    : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Theater Motion          : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Hallway Motion          : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Activity Room Motion    : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Workshop Window Vib     : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Front Door              : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Garage Door             : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Workshop Door           : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Garage Window Vib       : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] siren tamper            : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Alfresco Door           : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Theater Door            : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Guest Bedroom           : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Kids Room 1             : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [001] Laundry Door            : Ready
2020-11-11 21:25:31 [130] Home                    : Ready                                                        
2020-11-11 21:26:07 [002] Kitchen/DiningMotion    : Not Ready                                                    
2020-11-11 21:26:07 [131] Home                    : No System Faults                                             
2020-11-11 21:26:09 [003] Kitchen/DiningMotion    : Ready                                                        
2020-11-11 21:26:09 [132] Home                    : Ready                                                        
2020-11-11 21:26:10 [004] Kitchen/DiningMotion    : Not Ready                                                    
2020-11-11 21:26:10 [133] Home                    : No System Faults                                             
2020-11-11 21:26:11 [005] Kitchen/DiningMotion    : Ready                                                                
2020-11-11 21:26:11 [134] Home                    : Ready                                                                
2020-11-11 21:26:24 [002] Front Door              : Not Ready                                                                         
2020-11-11 21:26:24 [135] Home                    : No System Faults                                                                             
2020-11-11 21:26:32 [003] Front Door              : Ready                                                                                                         
2020-11-11 21:26:32 [136] Home                    : Ready                                                                                                                    
2020-11-11 21:26:45 [006] Kitchen/DiningMotion    : Not Ready                                                                                                                             
2020-11-11 21:26:45 [137] Home                    : No System Faults                                                                                                                               
2020-11-11 21:26:46 [007] Kitchen/DiningMotion    : Ready                                                                                                                                                   
2020-11-11 21:26:46 [138] Home                    : Ready
2020-11-11 21:26:48 [008] Kitchen/DiningMotion    : Not Ready
2020-11-11 21:26:48 [139] Home                    : No System Faults
2020-11-11 21:26:49 [009] Kitchen/DiningMotion    : Ready
2020-11-11 21:26:49 [140] Home                    : Ready
2020-11-11 21:27:52 [001] Kitchen/DiningMotion    : Ready
2020-11-11 21:27:52 [001] Front Door              : Ready

Just out of curiosity, as it stands right now will each sensor from the system get its own state in HA? I was just thinking how great it would be to be able to use all of my alarms door sensors as triggers/inputs into some other automations.

Wow, I’m surprised! I mean technically you could have your front door wide open and arm the alarm then? Would it not set itself off as soon as the Exit Delay completes? :astonished:

Fixed! :slightly_smiling_face: Grab the latest copy from the branch and your --watch will look much better!

I can agree with you here; I just don’t know how to do this yet so i figured i’d push it off to another update at another time. As this request WOULD require more changes to the actual HA/ultrasync integration code (which so far we haven’t had to touch yet).

You’ll see with this current release I hard-coded the 4 area sensors (i figure it’s easy for us to just disable/hide the 2-3 we’re not using). As far as zones go (our physical alarm senors in our home): Newer Hills ComNav devices can have like 128 of them; older can only have 16 or so. I think my Informix model can have 24 (not sure). But the point is no one will want to see 128 fixed sensors. I think we’d want to just see the detected/activated ones. Again, I don’t know how to do this (not yet anyway).

I do love your idea though! Maybe we can tackle it in round 2 :slight_smile:

HOWEVER (after all that ranting :wink:) and HA Sensors aside. I DID put an HA Event Trigger on the zones (our home sensors) in this current release - which may solve your problem?

The event is : ultrasync_sensor_update; here is a snippet from the documentation pending to be merged with this integration:

- alias: House Movement
    platform: event
    event_type: ultrasync_sensor_update
    service: notify.apprise
      title: "Sensor activated!"
      message: "{{}} has new status {{}}"

Perhaps this is satisfactory?

I don’t have a sensor/lock on my front door… I only have movement sensors :wink:

The idea for using the sensors as a motion dectections is a really great idea and good for an other update. Getting the integration approved in HA is a bigger challenge I think, but I’m not Chris haha :wink: :smiley:

I’ve gone ahead and updated ultrasync to v0.9.0 which includes all of the stuff we put together over the past week or so. I’ve also amended my HA Integration to require v0.9.0 so everything should just work for everyone whenever it’s accepted. No need to reference the branch anymore. pip installl ultrasync will pull in all of the latest changes.

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Update works :wink:

Also tried some of the automations I want and they can all call the services u provided!
(example, when the wife and I are charging are phone between 10PM and 6 AM the alarm goes in too stay)

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Been playing around with this, definitely something I think I can use. Thanks for all the work Chris it looks like everything is working on my system.

Anything we can do to help at this point to help?


@bojo: Nothing more you can do at this point! Thank you for all your help! @stefdewilde, I’m glad you have the charging trigger set up. That sounds awesome! I’d love to see what your automation entry looks like in your yaml file! I’m good with coding; but i haven’t figured out LoveLace or all the brilliant configurations people can concatenate with HA yet.

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Hey Chris,

This is what it’s going to look like :wink: the motorola one action and sm a405fn are our phones… I also use this for turning the christmas tree off and for the shutters to go up or down :wink:

This is my ‘beta’ automation that I tried to see if it works. I still have to add a time condition, but I will do this once your integration is fully adapted (or when I can add it through custom components or an other way with my raspberry pi home assistant supervised setup :stuck_out_tongue: )

edit: ‘is aan het opladen’ means ‘is charging’ :wink: . So both our phones need to be charging before it activates the automation.

- alias: alarm on when in bed
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.motorola_one_action_is_aan_het_opladen
    to: 'on'
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.sm_a405fn_is_aan_het_opladen
    to: 'on'
    condition: and
      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.motorola_one_action_is_aan_het_opladen
        state: 'on'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.sm_a405fn_is_aan_het_opladen
        state: 'on'
  - service: ultrasync.stay
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Any news when the integration will happen?

I asked in the Discord channel have not received a response yet. I think they’re very overwhelmed right now. They have over 300 pull requests (PR) open on just the HA Core itself… more then 1000 PR if you count all of the documentation and other sub-sections of Home Assistant.

I met all of the requirements though, including unit test coverage. so we’re in great shape. The ball is unfortunately not in my court anymore. :frowning: :crossed_fingers:

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New update, but no integration haha… I’ll be moving from my raspberry pi server to a debian docker device… So i’ll add it through the pip installation then :wink:

I have just installed the Ultrasync component on my production machine. just copied the files from into my custom_components\ultrasync folder.

Everything seems to be working.

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wait what?

How did you download them? can’t seem to get them from the github page. Can you zip them for me?

download the zip from here:

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Oh my. That actually worked :wink:

For anyone else:
Download this rar file.
Unpack it
Place it in your custom_components map
Restart your device :wink:

This is the card I made in HA Lovelace (maybe I’ll change it :wink: )

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I created a similar alarm panel yesterday; I was experimenting with reactive CSS too and coloring:

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