IntesisHome WiFi AC Control

Yeah I think that’s because it doesn’t get adjusted in the WiFi controller. It’s a “iR Remote or WiFi only” sort of thing from what I understand.

Thanks for the reply, Ok this is not the case when using IntesisHome cloud build in HA. It will update all stats in HA if you use iR remote as well. Hopefully this relates to the not updating temperature stats as well.

Also I noticed this is the IntesisHome (aironwithme cloud) it also is showing the set point temperature even when the AC is Off, this is not the case with IntesisHome local setup.

To try and help with the Intesishome local not refreshing issue ( Local connection does not reconnect for state/attribute updates · Issue #44 · jnimmo/pyIntesisHome (, I’ve pushed an update to pyIntesisHome and the HACS addon ( Release 1.0.2 · jnimmo/hass-intesishome ( which will provide some improved logging from the Intesishome local devices.
Please make sure debug logging is enabled in your configuration.yaml file like so:

  default: info
    custom_components.intesishome: debug
    homeassistant.components.intesishome: debug
    pyintesishome: debug

It looks like the integration would have stopped updating if the update task experienced an exception, hopefully I’ve added a try/catch in the right place to log out any exceptions and allow the task to keep running. But if it still doesn’t solve the problem we can add another loop to start the update task again should the task ever die.
I’m also not sure with the IntesisHome local if the device will show as unavailable if it was unplugged for example, something we could look into if needed.
If anyone has a device they could provide me access to for testing at some stage would be helpful also.

DM me and I can provide you access, port-forwarding, and logs :slight_smile:

Just had to pop another response in here to update any people who are reading. After getting @jnimmo access to one of my A/C devices remotely, he was able to add some more error handling etc in.

It now appears that the 1.0.5 release has resolved my reconnection issues and things have been solid for over a week now! Very grateful :+1:


I seem to be having the unavailable problem. I did update to the latest version
Home Assistant 2022.10.4
Supervisor 2022.10.0
Operating System 9.2
Frontend 20221010.0 - latest

It keeps dropping out saying unavailable.

I am a bit new to HA, but from what I understand it is a cloud integration, and hence I don’t need to download / update it locally?

I have added the log function above to my configuration.yaml if required. (If there is a quick fix, please let me know otherwise I will generate the logs).

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Only if you don’t use intesis_local. You should probably include a few things like when you go through the Integrations → Add integration → Intesis, what is it you’ve selected, your model of A/C unit and WiFi unit etc.

You may also want to confirm which URL you used to add it to HACS, and what version it shows as running.

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Hello everyone

Is there anyone who is getting this issue?

2022-11-07 09:28:07.493 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] sending keepalive to {self._device_type}
2022-11-07 09:28:07.493 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending command {"command":"get","data":{"deviceId":224571441733184,"uid":10}}
2022-11-07 09:28:07.493 ERROR (MainThread) [pyintesishome] <class 'ConnectionResetError'> Exception. (104, 'Connection reset by peer') / [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
2022-11-07 09:28:44.267 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] {'config': {'token': XXXXXXXX, 'pushToken': 'channel-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'lastAppVersion': '2.8', 'forceUpdate': 0, 'setDelay': 0.7, 'serverIP': '', 'serverPort': 5210, 'hash': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'inst': [{'id': 1, 'order': 1, 'name': 'First installation', 'devices': [{'id': '224571441733184', 'name': 'Office_test', 'familyId': 8192, 'modelId': 477, 'installationId': 82936, 'zoneId': 86127, 'order': 1, 'widgets': [15, 3, 5, 7, 9, 44, 42, 11, 13, 47, 49, 52, 53]}]}]}, 'status': {'hash': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'status': []}}
2022-11-07 09:28:44.268 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Server:, Token: XXXXXXXXXXXX
2022-11-07 09:28:44.268 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] {'224571441733184': {'name': 'Office_test', 'widgets': [15, 3, 5, 7, 9, 44, 42, 11, 13, 47, 49, 52, 53], 'model': 477}}
2022-11-07 09:28:44.268 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Opening connection to IntesisHome API at
2022-11-07 09:28:44.405 ERROR (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Connection to failed with exception [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 5210)

it is breaking the integration to pyintesis home. I started getting this issue recently and not sure what is causing it?

Looks like you’re using the Cloud API?
Was that your only option, or can you use the intesishome_local?

What version are you running of the integration? What version of HA?


Intesishome_local does not work correctly for me as it disconnects every few hours and produces this logs:

2022-11-07 20:32:21.441 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending intesishome_local command getdatapointvalue
2022-11-07 20:32:27.611 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending intesishome_local command getdatapointvalue
2022-11-07 20:32:33.682 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending intesishome_local command getdatapointvalue
2022-11-07 20:32:39.753 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending intesishome_local command getdatapointvalue
2022-11-07 20:32:45.830 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending intesishome_local command getdatapointvalue
2022-11-07 20:32:51.965 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending intesishome_local command getdatapointvalue
2022-11-07 20:32:58.130 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending intesishome_local command getdatapointvalue
2022-11-07 20:33:04.223 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending intesishome_local command getdatapointvalue
2022-11-07 20:33:10.302 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending intesishome_local command getdatapointvalue
2022-11-07 20:33:16.374 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending intesishome_local command getdatapointvalue

It is not receiving any update. My device is the IS-IR-WIFI-1 (which is not in the list of known devices) I know that it works for few hours then it stops working but not sure why.



I am a new HA user and I am trying to add the IntesisHome integration and following the necessary steps by editing the configuration YAML file but it does not seem to work. My AC device is not visible in HA and whenever I try to restart HA, I am getting an error message.

Add-in integration

Editing configuration YAML file:
username and password updated

Error message received after restarting HA:

Failed to restart Home Assistant

The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: password - Integration ‘password’ not found. Invalid config for [climate.intesishome]: required key not provided @ data[‘password’]. Got None required key not provided @ data[‘username’]. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Integration error: username - Integration ‘username’ not found.

My login and password do work when directly connecting to Intesis AC Cloud Control and from the AC Cloud app (iOs).

HA version installed on Raspberry Pi 3B:
Home Assistant 2022.11.4
Supervisor 2022.11.2
Operating System 9.3
Frontend 20221108.0 - latest

AC model: Panasonic CS-HZ25TKE
IntesisHome Type: IS-ACX-WIFI-1

Thanks in advance for your help!

Update: Resolved. My formatting (indentation with tabs) was wrong.

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You shouldn’t need to manually write YAML now either @Sway-SWE . The latest version works with ConfigFlow, so you can add the repository in HACS, restart HA, then go in to Settings → Integratoins → Add integration → search for IntesisHome
And just add it that way :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Chilling_Silence! I didn’t know about HACS but I’ve now installed it. My current YAML setup is working fine though it’s currently cloud based. I understand it’s possible to control my device locally instead so I might switch to that through ConfigFlow as you mentioned.

Glad to hear it. Highly recommend it, the local control is significantly more reliable (Intesis fault, not the integrations)

I don’t see this is HACS? Under integrations I only see the cloud integration. Be great to bypass the cloud, not that I’ve had issues so far.

Go to HACS → Integrations → 3-dot Menu → Custom Repository and add the URL:

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Thanks for that. It looks like anywAir is still cloud based if i reading overview correctly?

Only if you can’t use the intesis_local option.
Add it to HACS, restart HA
Go to Settings → Integrations → Add integration, add the IntesisHome integration. It’ll guide you through setting up local access