Potentially the serial number attribute was sometimes being populated with unexpected values on Intesishome local, I’ve pushed an update to try and make this more stable but it’s untested and not sure it will help sorry, fingers crossed.
I’ve ended up with duplicate entities post update. All my automations are now requiring updating. I’m rolling back for now until I know if this was intentional in the change or not.
Thanks for that feeeback, this would suggest the sn attribute has been storing the MAC and serial number without me realising all this time then. I’ve updated the release to mark it as pre-release while I consider this. You would be able to edit the entity IDs to be the same as the old one but would prefer people not need to do that.
I had a number of issues with this integration, no disrespect intended, but when I had a power outage (mostly because the power outlet is in the room of my daughter, and she sometimes needs the outlet), i always had to reboot my entire HA before I could use the Airco’s again. And already noticed the cloud connection being offline sometimes (can’t control them with the app either).
Have updated and so far so good @jnimmo , thankyou!
Had to update the entity IDs in automations / dashboards, but if that’s all it takes for me the end-user, then so be it, not the end of the world. Grateful for your time!
I have recently had 2x MHI air conditioners installed with the MH-AC-WIFI-1 modules, but unfortunately when I try to add the intesishome_local integration with the IP address, username and password (my Intesis credentials) I get “an unknown error occurred”.
Over the last week I started getting these messages in the logs and can no longer control the AC.
Have reloaded compent and tried previous version without sucess. Any ideas?
2023-10-23 07:50:01.367 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] IntesisHome API Received: {"command":"connect_rsp","data":{"status":"ok"}}
2023-10-23 07:50:01.367 INFO (MainThread) [pyintesishome] IntesisHome successfully authenticated
2023-10-23 07:50:01.367 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Resolving set_value's await
2023-10-23 07:50:01.367 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] pyIntesisHome lost connection to the IntesisHome server
2023-10-23 07:54:01.370 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] sending keepalive to {self._device_type}
2023-10-23 07:54:01.370 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Sending command {"command":"get","data":{"deviceId":224571441768251,"uid":10}}
2023-10-23 07:54:01.371 ERROR (MainThread) [pyintesishome] <class 'ConnectionResetError'> Exception. ('Connection lost',) / Connection lost
Had a device drop off as unavailable although still works in the intesis AC Cloud app. Will do some troubleshooting later today, but everyone else still running ok by the looks of it?