IntesisHome WiFi AC Control

Just pushed an update to and pypi

This adds better swing support (as it didn’t seem to actually be turned on) and also the turn_on/turn_off services, which may fix the issues you were talking about turning it on or off with voice controllers.
Fingers crossed because I can’t test it

Note, I’ve updated it to the new directory structure so the files should be in a folder called intesishome under custom_components

It’s not working for some reasons, I think maybe the paths in the config are wrong. I created you a user if you want to try it out. I don’t see a read only option so I’ll PM you the user/password. Please don’t change my temperature hah

I put the files in:


configuration.yaml has:

  username: !secret intesisuser
  password: !secret intesispass

log file show:

2019-03-10 10:29:21 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Unable to find component intesishome
2019-03-10 10:29:22 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Unable to find component intesishome
2019-03-10 10:29:22 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for intesishome: Component not found.

Awesome, thanks for that-
Grab the latest code now. Note is now, forgot about changing that.
I was able to see your thermostat, but I’ll leave it up to you to test if the on off, mode changing etc still works.
Still could do with a bit of TLC around tidying up the async side of it but hopefully should be working now.

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Thanks looks good! I was able to change fan speed, on/off, mode and temp. It got out of sync at one point with home assistant thinking it was on but it was off. It might of been me changing things too fast though. I can leave the login longer if you want to make any other changes.

Okay it’s working much better now

  • support for is_on property so it should be graphed better in the history chart
  • operation modes are now using those from the climate component so it now renders them properly in the Lovelace thermostat component
  • support for turn_on & turn_off service
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Thanks for the update @jnimmo

Intesishome is working fine with the latest version done 17 hours ago… My environment: raspberry Pi 3B+, python 3.7.2 and HA 0.89.1 running in a virtual environment… but only using in my automations : “operation_mode”, “fan_mode” and “temperature”… Good job !

No problem, glad to hear!
I’ve just been tidying code up as I think it’s nearly ready to submit a pull request to incorporate into the core product, hopefully I can add fan speed option detection before then would be nice

Would someone be able to give this code a good test before I submit a PR?

Any issues if you could please PM me your full log file saved in a text file, ideally with debug logging enabled in your config file for pyintesishome and homeassistant.components.intesishome.climate

Note, config file should now be the following as I’ve put the platform back into one file.

  - platform: intesishome
    username: username
    password: !secret intesishome_pass

Tried with this folder setup:


here is the log:

2019-03-12 09:28:01 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Setting up climate.intesishome

2019-03-12 09:28:01 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [pyintesishome] Latching onto an existing event loop.

2019-03-12 09:28:01 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [pyintesishome] Adding Intesis device ID 127934807050

2019-03-12 09:28:01 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [pyintesishome] Opening connection to Intesis API at

2019-03-12 09:28:01 INFO (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Connected to Intesis API

2019-03-12 09:28:01 INFO (MainThread) [pyintesishome] IntesisHome succesfully authenticated

2019-03-12 09:28:01 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Setting up climate.intesishome

2019-03-12 09:28:01 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain climate took 14.2 seconds.

Same all is ok but i don’t get entity on ha.

Thanks, okay weird, I did make a change to setting the name so I’ve rolled that back

Hi jnimmo
Thanks for the intesis platform, its been operating well until HA 0.88. I’ve used this folder setup as well


but get this in the logs

2019-03-14 21:47:27 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Setting up climate.intesishome

2019-03-14 21:47:27 INFO (SyncWorker_16) [pyintesishome] Latching onto an existing event loop.

2019-03-14 21:47:29 INFO (SyncWorker_16) [pyintesishome] Adding Intesis device ID ##########

2019-03-14 21:47:29 INFO (SyncWorker_16) [pyintesishome] Opening connection to Intesis API at

2019-03-14 21:47:29 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Platform intesishome not ready yet. Retrying in 90 seconds.

2019-03-14 21:47:29 INFO (MainThread) [pyintesishome] Connected to Intesis API

2019-03-14 21:47:30 INFO (MainThread) [pyintesishome] IntesisHome succesfully authenticated

repeated every 30 seconds in log file, & no entity on HA. It looks like it’s almost there but some small thing is throwing it off. Thoughts??

Can you manually try installing pyintesishome again
pip install pyintesishome —upgrade
Should update it to v0.7

I’ve submitted a pull request to hopefully get this added as an official platform

Hi all,

First of all I want to apologize for the English, since I do not know much and I use the google translator.

I know it’s been a while since the topic was opened, but just a week ago I got into the Home Assistant world, and the truth when I saw this topic caught my attention.

Some time ago I was talking with some responsible instensis home to buy their products and integrate them into a domotica project, I know there are units that are sold without connection to their servers, even though I think they were not available for direct sale. If you are still interested, I can contact them and see what they say, since it would be very good to have this system integrated without having to go through external servers.

Welcome @erobledi, glad you raised that. Yes it is called IntesisBox and has control through a local TCP port so communication doesn’t have to go through their servers.
It’s a little more expensive from memory but certainly worth looking into.

I use the intesisbox in my system. I currently use it with the prebuilt Vera plugin then through to my Hass instance.
When I purchased my intesisbox here in Australia it was cheaper than the Intesishome.
It operates perfectly for me but would like to have a home assistant component to skip the Vera step.

Happy to throw something together if you like, it’s a nice simple integration

I’ve made a quick IntesisBox device emulator so I could see if I can extend the current pyIntesisHome to support either cloud or local control

If your willing to put something together I can test it for you.
They have a few example ones and I’m sure they would add the HA component to their website once merged. This would be some more free publicity for HA.

intesisbox daikin WiFi

I’m fairly close to having something ready to test. Would you be able to PuTTY to the device on port 3310 @tinglis1 with logging turned on, and issue the following commands (one line at a time), then PM me the log file?

