iOS 17.1 push iPhone alarm clock to HA

So my shortcut and automation goes through but my HA does not get updated. I used the shortcut belikerich provided and made sure to change the HA server to my own. Not sure what to check?

You have two sensor values in your configuration.yaml file, as you highlighted. If you want to use sensor: !include mysensors.yaml then you need to add:

  - platform: time_date
      - "time"

to your mysensors.yaml file, removing “sensor:” but keeping the indentation.

Hello everyone. I am new to this but I have a quick question.
Is it possible to set this automation not for amount of alarms like first and last, but for a specific alarm with description like “Morning alarm”? I am worried if I went to integrate this I would just setup some alarm during the day triggering unwanted automation.

In the iphone shortcut you can add a filter just belove the find Alarm command.
I didn’t try it, but it seems to achieve what you want

Just fyi, if I use this shortcut I get the last alarm set as the first one :smiley:

Love this.

I got it configured so that I see the correct alarm values in HA.

I want to use this to create an automation to open my window shades when my last alarm goes off. I frequently will reset my last alarm for another hour of sleep so would adding a 5 minute delay before opening the shades allow the last alarm to update and then the shades wouldn’t open until the newest last alarm I set?

Is there a way to get the date and time of the alarm? What it I create an alarm for 8:00 am on Mondays only. I would need the date/time for my automations.

is it possible to call up the shortcut automatically when i change an alarm on the iphone?

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With ios 18 looks like the shortcut doesnt work anymore. Anyone has checked it?

I am looking for the same. Don’t find any option in the triggers list.

So far my solution is to set triggers based on time in a day (midnight and 3AM for now) which calls and executes the shortcut and updates HA.

Can you elaborate a bit on this? Not sure what you mean.

I think I get what you mean. You trigger toggle twice, and it returns the date. Smart.

Can you share your shortcut solution with me?

Thanks for the shortcut and inspiration. After working with your shortcut, I ended wanting to go the other way. Where I had an alarm time in HA and pushed that to my iPhone and created alarms based on HA alarm time entities. Your shortcut gave me some ideas on how to do that. I made a write up on my finished product here if anyone else would find that helpful too.

I set up an automation in iOS that triggers this shortcut always when the clock app is closed.

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Why in god’s name do you not provide any info on how you did this automation?
See, OP posted a puzzle and we are all not involved people trying to figure out over MONTHS to interpolate the information OP had simply given to us, what would have saved hours of time. Now people like YOU hitting the comments and you describe exactly what OP already mentioned in his original posting, but you left out any information about the how-to.

I really don’t understand what’s so difficult in explaining stuff to other people. I always do that. And i wonder, what’s going on with the people who just repeat a non-explanatory statement of the original posting without distributing any how-to. It’s beyond my understanding.

@Gekko23 first step is to make sure your shortcut works correctly.

Then, you can create an automation inside shortcuts on the phone, that is triggered when application is closed and you select Clock application. For action, select to call your HA clock shortcut.

That’s it, there is really nothing more to explain on that, besides showing it with screenshots. The fiddly part is to get the shortcut working and most of the thread is on that problem.

My input was only how to trigger the shortcut automatically most convenient (from my point of view) as there were some posts before discussing this issue. So I only posted the idea for the automation as setting it up is really basic, given the shortcut is working. I just realized now that the automation trigger was mentioned in the entry post already.

Hello, I can’t get this working on iOS 18. Does this still work? I don’t get any error, but HA shows there is no data.

I did change the server in the setup, but didn’t touch anything else.

I didn’t have the Home Assistant input boolean helpers set with the same name as in the configuration. All good now.

I just discovered that the iphone shortcut does not fully replace the name of the Home Asisstant Server… In some places it says “The Loft” instead of the initially selected server name.

And what is “Onderdeel uit lijst”?

First of all - thanks for your write-up! I’ve followed the steps from the original post, combined with @sebkouba comment but there is still some piece missing for me.

I can currently set an alarm in my iPhone. The correct time is then sent to my Home Assistant instance. After that the Helper Alarm toggle gets activated and the time of my first and last alarm (I currently set only one alarm) - gets added to the sensors. “Alarm set” is on.

After that my test alarm on my iPhone rings - I stop the alarm but I guess no result gets reported back to HA. I’ve also tested successfully the automatism in HA which should turn on a light in my case.

Does anyone else have an approach, or is this construct running under iOS 18? Many thanks in advance!