iOS Devices keep 'resetting' dashboard and menu items

I have my own Dashboard, which is set as a default, but every so often the iOS app loads the default dashboard you cannot delete. And also loads ALL menu items and not those changed. When this happens its often quite slow to respond also. Usually reloading the app causes it to snap back to the actual settings of the default dashboard I set and default menu.

Now this is annoying for myself. But makes the app sometimes borderline unusable for my wife and kids. Who do not want to mess with settings and reloading dashboards, etc.

Anyway to FORCE de app to always use the correct dashboard (and menu) and not fall back on some default when it somehow does not reads it own settings?

I’ve seen that issue. It’s not a big deal to close & reload the app, but it is indeed annoying (why do such thing occur when time is of the essence?).

I wasn’t paying attention on whether I encountered it after each HA updates, or what those ‘incidents’ had in common (I don’t reference HA on the phone as much as I do on the computer).

IOS 18.1 is out, and one thing it addresses is memory allocation on some phone models. See if that makes a difference.

Unless your a wife or kids using it whom do not have the patience for this… TBH I also find it quite annoying myself. Often using HA on my iPad where it happens the most to check something and the load and reload time becomes so lengthy I may have well walked up or downstairs before HA responds.

Preformance and loadtimes are a major factor in usability and user-acceptance.

Even worse if the desire to use our dashboards isn’t there. My wife isn’t complaining, but I don’t know if she’s using the HA app as much as she uses Siri or the HK app. Just saying.

Does your experience relate to the app needing to be reloaded after updates, or is it all the time, or random?

The best way (the only permanent way) is to have the one you want BE the default HA uses:

As for the menu (I assume you mean the sidebar) I use this:

My wife and kids just mention they see the wrong dashboard from time to time. I myself notice it basically every day on my iPad at home and not on my iPhone… when home. For the iPhone it seems more related to being out of the house. I’ve not seen a relationship with updates.

I used to have problem with default dashboard and long load times, however I think it occurred since the default it was trying to load did no longer exist. When I set “Set default on this device”, the problem disappeared.

However, now, months later, I have problems when connected to a new HA installation. As soon as I attempt to swipe down, HA will refresh and change view. I have two iphones and this happens only on the newer one, with Companion version 2024.9.5 (2024.986). On the older one with version 2024.9.4 (2024.905), this problem does not happen.

(Related issue: iOS Companion App dashboards rapidly refreshing - #2 by danka621)