iOS Location Tracking

Hi guys,

I currently struggling with the location tracking on iOS. I read somewhere if I use the app no other additional app is necessary.
My thought was that everything runs automatically. BUT: When I dont update my location manually it shows my device always home.

I put iOS: into my configuration.yaml. The device is listed under known.devices. The name is “iPhone” no spaces or other crazy stuff. In the app, I switched on everything. It shows me that the iOS components were loaded.

Any ideas what I need to do?

Did you enable location tracking in the app?

In your privacy permissions is the HA app allowed to use your location at all times?

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Hi Silvrr,

sorry for the late reply. Didn’t saw that you replied. Yes. Everything is enabled.

Do you have external access setup?

Can you post a screenshot of your location settings page in the app?

What does your event log say? Does it show events for entering and exiting zones?

I have a VPN on Demand Profile installed on my iPhone. But it gets only activated when I open an app which requests access to my homenetwork. I think this isn’t working for the HA App when it’s not opened. Nothing in the logs too

Here are the screenshots. It’s German but I think the switches are always in the same position. Also happy to help with translations :slight_smile:

A similar discussion.

Thanks Gary. Indeed similar but I think its about how to connect outside.

I´m able to do that. But even when I’m connected via VPN I need to update the location manually