IOT Link - Windows Management using MQTT

I see that the screenshot is very large, can the picture be small?

Screenshot for now is only on the original size.

I installed the beta version and there are no more errors. :slight_smile:
Good news is that I have the sensors reporting data back to HA but I cannot get any of the commands to work.
For example, if I issue a notification command in an automation as below, I can see it in MQTT explorer but IOTlink is not showing the notification.

      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: "iotlink/workgroup/computername/commands/notify"
          payload: '{ "title": "Home Assistant", "message": "This is an example of notification using IOT Link" }'

At startup, I do see ā€œAddon Commands has subscribed to topic commands/notifyā€ in the service log so it should be ok. Also the topic parameters are all correct as I use the same ones for sensors and they work ok.
Any ideas?

Edit: The set volume command works but the notify command does not. I have double checked my .Net version and reinstalled IOT link but no luck.

Just came across this while rebuilding my new setup. This is kind of exactly what Iā€™m after. Mainly the ability to put my Windows PCā€™s into sleep and/or hibernate mode.

Looking forward to seeing how this develops.

One thing Iā€™d like to see is when my PC locks, you get the logon screen, but after a while, the camera just shows a purple screen. Seems like the screens have gone to sleep. Iā€™m not sure if this is cause the PC in question is running in headless mode and I only connect to it via remote desktop, but it would be good to be able to keep the screen current.

For now Iā€™m using a conditional card so that when the user changes to SYSTEM, it hides my camera card and just shows a basic card with the binary_sensor.pc_connected entity.

I think you get the purple screen because there is no active session to create an image from. It uses the agent which needs to be in a currently logged session. I think its an issue of running headless, because If I lock or let the computer sleep, I can get the screen of my computer normally, because the session still behind the lock screen.

Yeah, I thought as much. Just a limitation of running headless mode. Oh well. Maybe Iā€™ll hook it up to one of my monitors with a VGA port. :face_vomiting:

Is there any way to get the currently active application running on a Windows machine?

My use case is, I have a gaming machine connected to the TV. The kids keep forgetting to quit games before switching over to our media player. This stops the machine from going to sleep. I would like to be able to quickly see what is running on the machine so I know whether I need to manually quit the game or possibly automate something.

Hi, would you share your configuration for HA and IOT link please! Thank you

Hi, I think this app is fantastic, coffee coming your way Alex,

Can anyone advise, I get a 4 to 5 second delay when actioning volume changes, is this normal?

I use the app to setup my Kitchen Pc for various different scenes :slight_smile: I love it :slight_smile:


Hi, can anyone advise if its possible to create a display (monitor) sensor, ie to show if the monitor is switched on or off, Iā€™m using a switch template within the front end using a boolean but when the pc is activated manually (ie moving the mouse) my boolean is out of sync.


oh, and a volume state sensor


Is this to see if the physical monitor is actually turned on or in standby? If so, a simple power meter should do the job with some power usage profiles. If under 0W then off, if under 1W then standby, else on. You will need the standby power usage for you monitor to work this out.


There is no way currently to retrieve current application running.


Thanks, I appreciate any donation!

The delay for volume changing is normal, it happens for me too. I might look on reducing it (if it is possible) in the future.

It is not possible (AFAIK) to get current power monitor state from windows via programming. You can use idle time sensor to reset state to ā€˜ONā€™ if the idle state is reset to 0 (means someone is using the computer).

Volume state sensor I think it is possible to be added. Iā€™ll look into that.

This tool looks amazing. Thanks for all the hard word. A big component for me would be providing temps - CPU, MB, GPU, etc. I have a server in a vented cabinet - if a fan were to fail Iā€™d like to be able to act on it sooner than later.

Is it possible to gather this? If windows canā€™t report directly maybe through a third party program such as speedfan? I know every motherboard is different which can be challengingā€¦

Thanks again!

Not possible by common apis. If someone want to develop an Addon which communicate with a 3rdparty tool such as SpeedFan, and report back to MQTT, then it is possible.

I know this is probably a long shot but is there anyway you could determine the decibals from the microphone? My son gets insanely annoying with his headset on while playing games which leads to an echo of 4 people all usually yelling in harmony ā€œSHUT UP!ā€. It would be amazing if I could just cut mute his audio completely for a few seconds each time the DB gets to high.

Maybe using something similar to this?

Great Idea thanks for the response, I have a pc running multiple display but i could monitor the primary unit,

Great thanks, Iā€™ll look at creating a sensor as you described, makes sense now you suggested it :slight_smile:

volume sensor will be awesome,


I have a configuration question for which I didnā€™t find an answer at the project page or in this thread:

Is it possible to disable certain monitoring topics somewhere in the config? I.e while I want to monitor cpu/memory/etc. ressources from my windows desktops, I donā€™t need screenshots of them to be published via MQTT. I donā€™t use them for anything and they significantly hurt the performance of my MQTT broker and of connected clients.