iPhone device tracker on linux


This has been a great solution for us in the last couple of months and worked much better than the nmap tracker. However, I recently upgraded my WiFi router from the standard Comcast router to a Google Nest mesh network. I assigned all the mobile devices a fixed IP address and updated the ip addresses in the Home Assistant config:

  - platform: iphonedetect
    consider_home: 420
    scan_interval: 10
      track_new_devices: true

Should have been pretty straight forward but the Iphonedetect device tracker no longer receives a response from the devices:

2021-08-10 14:39:39 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.iphonedetect.device_tracker] Probe sent to MyIphone_ipd on
2021-08-10 14:39:39 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.iphonedetect.device_tracker] Probe sent to HerIphone_ipd on
2021-08-10 14:39:39 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.iphonedetect.device_tracker] Probe sent to Ipad_ipd on
2021-08-10 14:39:39 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.iphonedetect.device_tracker] Device MyIphone_ipd on is AWAY
2021-08-10 14:39:39 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.iphonedetect.device_tracker] Device HerIphone_ipd on is AWAY
2021-08-10 14:39:39 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.iphonedetect.device_tracker] Device Ipad_ipd on is AWAY

All devices were home and connected to the WiFi network at the time this log was extracted. The Google Wifi custom integration has device trackers as well but I like the Iphone device tracker because it also detects our phones when in deep sleep.

As far as I know, Google Nest WiFi does not block ports internally on the network.

Thank you for your help!

Mine is still working. I don’t use google wifi though

is your Home-assistant host still on the same network as the phone’s?

If you have the SSH add-on installed, try pinging the devices and then see if ip neigh show shows anything.

Thank you! They’re on the same network. The iPhone detect device tracker started working again after I plugged the Raspberry Pi that runs Home Assistant into the wired ethernet port of the Nest router. I had it connecting over WiFi previously.

I’m currently using iphonedetect and it works fine, but I have another device_tracker based tracker that seems to conflict when I enable it at the same time, is there any way to tell the difference? For example device_tracker.iphonedetect


I need to use the above two plugins in different situations How should I adjust them now?
Modify the source code or add parameters?

Thank you!