IR Transmitter Long Range Hardware Suggestions

Where? I could use another one.

Amazon has them on a Black Friday sale.

BroadLink RM4 mini for the win! Worked so well I ended up getting more candles and another unit so I could do the same in another room.

It still takes some testing to locate both the Broadlink and the candles to get them to reliability see the signal, but it pretty easily covers entire rooms of my house.

Rolling your own device makes sense if you have some more complex things you want to do (which I’ve done in the past) and can locate the transmitter near the receiver you want to hit, but for simply controlling IR devices it’s not worth spending the time versus spending a few bucks and being done with it.

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Interesting to see that people seem to have quite a lot of problems with diy ir blasters. Mainly range (as people generally think ahead about direction). People reasonably expect the range to be decent (comparable to a remote) but are often disappointed.

Whereas I’ve had the opposite experience with RF. I see a lot of people struggling a bit with off the shelf RF devices (flash a sonoff rf bridge etc), whereas my experience is that buying a reasonable RF transmitter/receivers and attaching them like your original solution is easy and reliable.

I love RF. The signals are so solid and can penetrate walls etc. But not available for all devices.

I also have a broadlink rm pro plus which is solid at both. I wonder if anyone has nailed a diy version?

I’m actually currently waiting for a custom esp board to arrive since I couldn’t find any better options…

Sneak peek:

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I completely agree. RF isn’t something i’ve needed or desired to use until recently and my expectations have been far exceeded with RF. You don’t always have the choice when working with some components, they’re already IR but, if someone does have the choice, I suggest RF hands down, It’s far better…

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My custom IR transmitter/receiver esp32 boards finally arrived as replacement for my RM4 and other broadlink units. Work a treat and the signal is ridiculously strong :joy: