Irrigation Custom Component with Custom Card

I found this setting indeed.
Also a little bug: the entity for the frequency can not be chosen when setting up. You can define it when editing the program.

Nope, still the same as above, also after deleting both the component as the custom card.

What should be the name of the custom card in my YAML?

When adding the card use:


Then you should get this:

Have you refreshed the browser, or maybe clear the cache

You should not need any YAML when setting up, everything is done through user interfaces.

OK, cleared all caches… stupid me…

Now I get this:

No info on the program. And I assume that clicking on the zone should manually start that zone?
That is not happening.

Nevermind; re-adding the card again did the trick!

How can I manually start a zone?
Should the on/off switch of the program be on, despite that the switch for irrigation is on?

The highlighted button will start the zone, the same at the program level will start the entire program.

The cog opens/closes the settings for each section

If this does not work can you check the logs, this is the new code added to support the new service and may be a problem as I have not emulated the service for testing.

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I have this error, and nothing happens, besides switching the program off (which was on).

Hi, I’ve uploaded a new version, this will hopefully work now. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

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It worked. Once :innocent:

Now the program toggles the zone, and the zone toggles the program.

I can not activate the program without starting the zone.

(Updated both component and card through HACS)

Hi @vandenbogerd ,

Can you run this service

the results can be seen in the Log.

you will get a set of data that looks like this

Also can you send me an image of the card config that you have used.


Here you go:

Card config:

If you click the Rainbird button does the program start and all zones run one after the other?

I just rebooted everything.
The program was off.

I started the program, but the first zone automatically started.
I switched it of (manually), and the next zone started.
I switched it of (manually), and the next zone started.
I switched it of (manually), and the program shut off.

Every time I activate the program, the first zone starts.

Now, with all zones off (and also the program), when I manually start a zone, the program switches on also, until I manually stopt that zone, that also stops the program.

Hang on… I think I’m starting to understand.
The program toggle manually starts the program: and thus all zones 1 by 1.

The toggle underneath the program is the real on/off switch?

So when that switch is on, the program will run as planned, and will activate “tomorrow at 6:39AM”, and thus will show “active” only then.

We’ll see tomorrow if this is correct :slight_smile:

You’ve got it. That is the expected behaviour. The irrigation on attribute allows you to disable the irrigaton.

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Thank you, for both the beta version of your component/card and your patience :slight_smile:

Update: the program didn’t start this morning.

What does the card/attributes show as the next start time?

This will show as in 1 day or in 30 minutes

“Overmorgen” is “the day after tomorrow” (Saturday, as planned by OpenWeatherMapHistory)