Irrigation Unlimited Integration

Yes see here for all the details. Please update to 2022.6.0.

Back to Home Assistant 2022.6 and everything is working great. Thank you.

Hey there,
One small auestion: im struggling with delay and preamble. Preamble works if i set it to „00:01“ but not if i set it with „00:00:20“ or ‚00:00:20‘ nor ‚00:01‘, an comparable issue seams to count for the delay it works only with ‚00:00:20‘ but not with „00:00:20“.

Is there a specific rule when to use string? Or numbers? Or whatever i open with „“ and ‚‘?? Can someone help me here?


There might be a couple of things going on here.

The times are represented as strings and you can use either the single or double quote characters as delimiters. You must start and end with the same character however.

There are two basic formats for times; ‘HH:MM’ and ‘HH:MM:SS’. The later allowing you to specify seconds, however

By default the system runs in whole minutes. This is controlled by the granularity setting which is 60 by default. All times are rounded and synchronised to these boundaries. If you want an interval of 20 seconds then lower this setting to 20 otherwise it will be rounded to 0.

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Thanks a lot for this explanation, so my mistake was to set the granularity to 60 instead of 20. so if i want to go to shorter intervals like 10 seconds i have to reduce the granularity to 10

That’s correct. The granularity defines the time units. All calculations will be rounded out to these units.

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Hello everybody,
I’m trying to create a sequence that starts every odd day 1 hour after sunset.
I entered the field day: [‘odd’] but when I check the configuration I get this error:
Invalid config for [irrigation_unlimited]: expected int @ data[‘irrigation_unlimited’][‘controllers’][0][‘sequences’][0][‘schedules’][0][‘day’][0]. Got None.
What is the mistake?

    name: "Linea Piante"
#    entity_id: "light.generale"
    enabled: true
    preamble: '0:00:10'
    postamble: '0:00:10'
      - name: "Linea Piante NORD"
#        entity_id: "switch.piante_nord"
        enabled: true
      - name: "Linea Piante SUD"
#        entity_id: "switch.piante_sud"
        enabled: true
      - delay: "0:00:03"
          - name: "Sunrise"
              sun: "sunrise"
              after: '1:00:00'
            day: ['odd']
          - zone_id: 1
            duration: "0:30:00"
          - zone_id: 2
            duration: "0:30:00"

Just remove the brackets around ‘odd’

Thank you.
I feel like a monkey🩧

@rgc99 I’d like to thank you for this very valuable and well designed addon for HA. I’m just starting to implement it and for now trying to find the best approach for a compact UI.
In order to ajust watering time, I would prefer to use an input_number (instead of an input_datetime) because it is more compact. Then I’m wondering how to convert a number say for instance 15.0 to a time object that is 00:15. Thank you
Was still searching internet and found the solution

{{ states('input_number.duree_arrosage')|int|multiply(60)|timestamp_custom('%H:%M', false) }}

Sorry for asking again, i have setup everything as mentioned but if i manually count beside the intervall the valves turn on after say 12 - 14 seconds which varies a bit - did i setup something wrong here?

 granularity: 30
   - name: 'Hauptventil'
       - switch.4ch_eins_1
       - switch.4ch_eins_2
     preamble: '00:00:30' 
     enabled: true
       - name: 'Zone 2'
         entity_id: 'switch.4ch_zwei_4'
         enabled: true
       - name: 'Zone 3'
         entity_id: 'switch.4ch_zwei_1'
         enabled: true
       - name: 'Zone 4'
         entity_id: 'switch.4ch_zwei_2'
         enabled: true
       - name: 'Zone 1'
         entity_id: 'switch.4ch_zwei_3'
         enabled: true
       - name: "Sequenz 1"
         delay: '00:00:30'  
         enabled: true
           - name: Never, ever
             time: '06:00'
             day: [30]
             month: [feb]
           - zone_id: 1
             duration: "00:30"
             enabled: true
           - zone_id: 2
             duration: "00:30"
             enabled: true
           - zone_id: 3
             duration: "00:30"
             enabled: true
           - zone_id: 4
             duration: "00:30"
             enabled: true

When you invoke a manual run it will be scheduled to start on the next clock tick. Your clock ticks (granularity) are 30 seconds so on average it will be about 15 seconds before it starts. If a quicker response is desired then lower this value.


this is a fantastic integartion with so much flexibility it makes my head spin, and now I’m stuck with how to do an interlocking between schedules?

I have one zone thar can not run simultaneously as the other 6 as it gobbles water :slight_smile:
Everything was ok when I had all zones in the same schedule, but then I wanted to run this single zone once a week rather than every other day. Now it of course starts at the indicated time, (sunrise +1h) as does the other

    name: "Boden"
#       zone 1
      - name: "SparrislÄdan"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_1_rela_4"
#       zone 2
      - name: "Cortena-ormen"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_2_rela_4"
#       zone 3
      - name: "FlaggstÄngen"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_1_rela_3"
#       zone 4
      - name: "KlÀtterros/damm"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_2_rela_1"
#       zone 5
      - name: "B1:an"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_2_rela_2"
#       zone 6
      - name: "B2:an"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_2_rela_3"
#       zone 7
      - name: "Krage Nedre"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_1_rela_1"
#       zone 8
      - name: "Krage Övre"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_1_rela_2"
        enabled: false
      - delay: "00:01"
          - name: "SoluppgÄng +1h varannan dag"
              sun: "sunrise"
              after: "01:00"
            day: even
#          - zone_id: 2
#            duration: "01:00"
          - zone_id: [1,4,5,6,7]
            duration: "00:30"
          - zone_id: 3
            duration: "01:00"
          - name: "SoluppgÄng +1h 1/v"
              sun: "sunrise"
              after: "01:00"
            weekday: [mon]
          - zone_id: 2
            duration: "01:00"


Any help/suggestion appreciated!

Your config doesn’t look correct, in fact I am not sure how it is working. Almost there with creating a second sequence. Try this, you were missing the - delay... or really the - which creates a new sequence. I changed the schedule on the second sequence to 1 hour before sunrise.

    name: "Boden"
#       zone 1
      - name: "SparrislÄdan"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_1_rela_4"
#       zone 2
      - name: "Cortena-ormen"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_2_rela_4"
#       zone 3
      - name: "FlaggstÄngen"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_1_rela_3"
#       zone 4
      - name: "KlÀtterros/damm"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_2_rela_1"
#       zone 5
      - name: "B1:an"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_2_rela_2"
#       zone 6
      - name: "B2:an"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_2_rela_3"
#       zone 7
      - name: "Krage Nedre"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_1_rela_1"
#       zone 8
      - name: "Krage Övre"
        entity_id: "switch.bevattning_1_rela_2"
        enabled: false
      - delay: "00:01"
          - name: "SoluppgÄng +1h varannan dag"
              sun: "sunrise"
              after: "01:00"
            day: even
#          - zone_id: 2
#            duration: "01:00"
          - zone_id: [1,4,5,6,7]
            duration: "00:30"
          - zone_id: 3
            duration: "01:00"
      - delay: "00:01"
          - name: "SoluppgÄng +1h 1/v"
              sun: "sunrise"
              before: "01:00"
            weekday: [mon]
          - zone_id: 2
            duration: "01:00"

Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:
I must confess that I did have quite some problem with getting the code to pass the syntax checking, but somehow it magically did

Your change to the starting time of the second, weekly, schedule implies that the interlocking that works within a sequence schedule has to be manually observed in (all) other cases, including any possible extension in time adjustment.
If my conclusion is true, I will have this in consideration when fine tuning the zone’s sarting times and duration.

Here is a crazy idea. Anchor the schedule of one sequence to finish at sunrise and the other to start at sunrise. This would be in effect sequence chaining.

Using the delay tag in Sequence Zone Object.
I noticed that the delay creates indeed a delay between the zone (say zone 1) in which it is set and the following zone (say zone 2). If zone 1 is disabled the delay does work anymore. Is there a way to get it working in this scenario?

Nice idea about anchoring tail to head. It should work, and fits my idea of watering during night time rather than when the sun is up.

I set-up timeline as instructed.

  name: "Cour carrée"
      timeline: true
  preamble: "00:01"
  postamble: "00:01"
  entity_id: switch.571
    - name: Café François
      entity_id: switch.vanne_atelier_gui
    - name: Maison journalier
      entity_id: switch.vanne_maison_journalier_gui
    - name: Pelouse
      entity_id : switch.vanne_jardin_devant_gui
    - name: Haie sur rue
      entity_id : switch.vanne_salle_claudine_gui
    - name: Buanderie
      entity_id: switch.vanne_buanderie_grande_maison_gui
    - name: Cuisine grande maison
      entity_id: switch.vanne_cuisine_grande_maison_gui
    - name: nuit
      delay: "00:01"
        - time: "20:30"
        - zone_id: 1
          duration: "00:30"
        - zone_id: 2
          duration: "00:20"
          delay: "03:00"
        - zone_id: 3
          duration: "00:30"
    - name: jour
      duration: "00:05"
      delay: "00:55"
      repeat: 10
        - time: "09:00"
        - zone_id: 2

However the graph show only the first zone. Am I missing something?
Thank you

hi everyone,

I’m working on the integration and using HASmartIrrigation for measuring the duration per zone.

How do you configure this with irrigation unlimited. Perhaps somebody can share there sequence/schedule?

Many thanks in advance