Is BLE client pairing / bonding possible?

Is there a way to bypass this missing pairing functionality? With a custom component or custom sensor? I’m trying to read the BT GATT data from a victron device and pairing seems to be the “only” road block right now.

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Pairing is a security stuff, so it can’t be bypassed

hi guys, i think that my esp32 connects to my ble devices, in fact the binary sensor shows me that it is connected, but i am not able to send any command, using wire shark i can sniff this package:

i try to send it with ble.client.write but nothing happens any idea?

  - ble_client.ble_write:
      id: VMC_salotto
      service_uuid: F4B827C3-E660-4BC8-BDF6-3C8E9B845E0D
      characteristic_uuid: B9D6F678-BC0D-4A73-90C8-60B0F07301F1
      # List of bytes to write.
      value: [0x00, 0x00]


I have found a way to bond to Hue Bulb

  - mac_address: C4:D3:6C:07:06:B2
    id: hue_hue_lamp
        - lambda: |-
            ESP_LOGE("custom", "Connected to Hue, trying to pair");

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How do you enter the generated pin from the other device? I could really use this for a low energy remote.

Any ideas why i’m getting error: 'class esphome::ble_client::BLEClient' has no member named 'pair when compiling. Tried the same way as you.