Is ESPHome compatible with EQ3 bluetooth TRVs?

I have been testing ESPHome in an ESP32.

It seems a great system, more easier to integrate with HA and easier to configure than tasmota.

But I have not found a way to add EQ3 bluetooth TRVs.

Is there a way to control EQ3 TRV from ESPHome devices?

In tasmota I was able to add an EQ3 TRV but with the new firmware of these TRVs it does not work well (as it seems now they need to be paired).

What problem were you having with the Tasmota? I have been using it without much problem with my Eq3s. I had no problem using it with one that I paired when I connected directly to an RPI I had HA running on.

I had been making tests several months ago and it working.

But now it has firmware 1.44 and it seems that it needs to be paired in order to complete commands.

Most commands do not work.

commands on, off and mode DO work and the valve returns the state correctly.

But others like state, do not work.

When I send a command like on, it returns the full set of values and cmd=queued

The trvperiod is stablished to 60 seconds, but it does not seem to update the state/EQ3/XXXX mqtt topic.

May be I have some misconfigured parameter.
setoption19 0
BLEAddrFilter 0
BLEPeriod 120
BLEMode 2

TRVPeriod 60

I have read that there have been breking changes in new firmware and it has to be paired now, but it is strange that it answers some commands.

Yeah odd. I think some of mine are 1.46. You sure it’s just not good enough signal from ESP32. Bring the 2 close together and see then if can alter temp setting etc…

    - name: 2ndFloorBathroom
      modes: [auto,heat,'off',]
      min_temp: 4.5
      max_temp: 29.5
      temp_step: 0.5
      mode_command_topic: cmnd/2ndfloormasterU/EQ3/001A22129F5F/mode
      temperature_command_topic: cmnd/2ndfloormasterU/EQ3/001A22129F5F/settemp
      current_temperature_topic: tele/2ndfloormasterU/SENSOR
      current_temperature_template: '{{ value_json.MJ_HT_V13a2e96.Temperature }}'
      temperature_state_topic: stat/EQ3/001A22129F5F
      temperature_state_template: '{{ value_json.temp }}'
      mode_state_topic: stat/EQ3/001A22129F5F
      mode_state_template: '{{ value_json.hassmode }}'
      preset_mode_command_topic: cmnd/2ndfloormasterU/EQ3/001A22129F5F
      preset_mode_value_template: '{{ value_json.mode }}'
      preset_mode_state_topic: stat/EQ3/001A22129F5F
      preset_modes: ["auto","manual","off","on","boost","lock","unlock","day","night"]
      precision: 0.1

Just checking also that you have moved the climate yaml under mqtt: in the config?

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mmm… no, I have not arrived to integrating it to homeassistant.

The device is discovered correctly and responds to some commands correctly.

I have discovered that it responds to state command too, but you need to add a payload like state 0, then it answers correctly.

I am just looking at mqtt and giving trv commands

May you provide any article describing how to correctly configure tasmota with EQ3 valves?
I have read the documentation and several other forum posts, but it does not seem to work correctly.

May you provide your BLE and setoption19 and setoption59?

Polling is not working.

And I see that there you need a lot of work to integrate it in homeassistant, not autodiscoverd as the tasmota sensors.

HA doesn’t discover it like normal Tasmota or mqtt. You create the entity in config.yaml like in my example above. I use a different current temp as EQ3 doesn’t use a real temp.

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Thanks, I am trying now.

Will see if it works.

Hey @Spiro

I have been making tests.

Valve is detected and works.

I can change the parameters and poll the state.

But some extrange behaviour ocurrs.

When I use the command to get the state:


It returns an error, I have to pass a dumb parametero to work and get the response, like:


works (and on too) but auto returns errorl

settemp works correctly.

I have configured TRVPeriod 60
But I don’t get regular MQTT state updates, there is no auto polling.

I have put your config in configuration.yaml changing it to adapt the mac addrs and device name.

Then reloded core. But there is no new device in homeapp, could not find it anywhere.

You shouldn’t have to reload core . Just go to developer tools and then Yaml and select manually configured Mqtt entities. Then it should make the new entity climate.your device. Even if you put my yaml in exactly it would still create the entity , but of course it wouldn’t get any values.

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Thank I was trying to implement what you said, with no success.

I was investigating what happens and is seems that the valve is not reporting its state regularly in tasmota.

I have opened a new thread asking for configurations, may be you can help telling me your configuration (as you are using tasmota too)

Now that it is working in tasmota, I have removed all from HA and reconfigured it.
Now I can see the thermostat correctly, and works. I couold add it to a panel.

Thank you for your help.
Now I need to learn more about how to configure devices in HA using yaml in order to get them working as I want.

Anyway, probably I am going the zigbee route.

These valves were interesting as being a cheap option, and having a tasmota device to read the temperature.

But now they have the same price in amazon as other zigbee valves that you don’t need to be polling in order to get their parameters, so the traffic in mqtt would be reduced.

The bad news are that you need a coordinator and configure other network with other protocol and deal with wifi/zigbee interferences.

I think I will try one with one zigbee coordinator to see how it works.

MQTT is very low resource user so wouldn’t worry about flooding it too much. Battery drainage is more a problem if poll often. For TRVs you don’t need to access every few seconds as temps change so slowly. I’ve found the batteries last about 8 months. I even pull them in the summer. Good luck with your search.

I am still trying them. I like their simplicity, not having to deal with zigbee protocol and network, and being able to configure from tasmota.
But their interface are not so good, and they respond slowly to commands.

In amazon there is no EQ3 valve.
Termostato de radiador Eqiva, Blanco, 141771E0, 3V : Bricolaje y herramientas

There are this maxcio but not sure if they are compatible with tasmota EQ3 driver (the apps seems the same as eqiva, but there is no info about it).

Bluetooth Válvula Termostática para Radiador, Maxcio Termostato de Calefacción Programable Compatible con Varios Radiadores,Trabajacon Alexa/Google Home(Se Necesita Gateway) : Hogar y cocina

For the same price you have other zigee valves that seem to be easily integrated with HA (using a coordinator/bridge to mqtt).
AVSTAR - Válvula termostática para radiadores, para añadir Comfort y Ahorro de climatización, con Control Remoto WiFi a través de Pasarela Zigbee, para (Válvula Termostática (TRV)) : Bricolaje y herramientas

This custom HACS repo just made progress in even using ESPHome BT Proxy, worth a try!

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