Is iOS 16.2's Home "Upgrade" compatible with Home Assistant's HomeKit integration?

Found the profile. Might try this at some point.

I’ve just done this. Fixes performance of HomeKit but still doesn’t help bringing AppleTV/HomePods on 16.2 back into Home Assistant :grimacing:

To me this feels like this is 100% related to HomeKit’s new architecture then, as the biggest change is to relay all requests and commands through the home hub, no matter if the device is on the local network or not.

I’m not sure if this is a (subtle) incompatibility in pyhap, or apple just messing up their new architecture change. Considering they basically halted all upgrades (by removing the feature), I’m thinking it is the latter, and there’s not much to do besides wait.

Not sure what has happened over the last couple of days but I now have the same situation. All Homekit Devices become unresponsive. Removal and reinstall of the HASS bridge only works for a few minutes then all devices turn unresponsive…

I ultimately used the profile to reset all my HomeKit data. I removed my existing home(s) and rebuilt again (glad I was just using an ‘include’ and a yaml file). My home has been running for a few days now.

We’ll see what happens in the coming days,

Hi, Having the same issue!! No response after updating to 16.2. Deleting and repairing hub with 100 + Accessories is not working, after first reboot all devices became not responsible again! damn this is so bad! What can we do with this? Is there any working solution? I cant take a hours of mi life to fix this. All my devices connected to homekit using home assistant.! This is fail of century!

Indeed - Apple have properly screwed up. You can get this working by resetting your HomeKit profile (nuclear approach) see here but as yet I have not been able to get my Apple media devices integrated back into HA.

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Apple released ios 16.4 yesterday, bringing back the HomeKit Upgrade. Is this still a problem now, or does it work flawlessly now when upgrade to the new HomeLit architecture?


Great question… I eventually was able to reintegrate my media devices - but honestly I have no idea what changed. Therefore, having been burnt the last time around with Apple’s upgrade to 16.2, I am going to take a step back and wait for the feedback of others before pressing the upgrade button this time around!

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Wondering it too, I don’t dare to update

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Yes! Also wondering about that!

So it turns out that I couldn’t contain myself…

Upgraded to 16.4 across all devices (iPhone/iPad/ATV/HomePods). One of my HomePods and Eve strip-light went offline but recovered overnight and so far, the only glitch I seem to have is playing media from the HA Media browser through the Apple devices. All the other media control functions seem to work.

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Did you also upgrade to new HomeKit architecture?

No option for me to do so… Assume this must have happened last time before Apple pulled the plug.

I was patient last time at 16.2 so hadn’t yet upgraded. Today I couldn’t keep myself from doing it. I upgraded all my devices to 16.4 yesterday, and my macbooks today to 13.3. Then I pulled the trigger on the new Homekit architecture.

Everything worked right away on my phone using apple home. My Macbooks seemed to have a lot of stuff that wasn’t responding right away. I went through the process of the various dialogue boxes that come up after the upgrade, and then closed down apple home and re-opened. Then things worked right away on that too. And, I can’t for sure say it is faster, but it does seem nearly instant to get things to work.

But then after closing and opening the Home app on my macbooks another time, both seem to have issues with some specific devices. I use command line switch on a few things, and some yolink sensors, combined into a garage door opener on a few garage doors. Those don’t seem to be liking something. With the doors being operated by command line switch, and the sensors being separate, I had been updating the door status in homeassistant with a query of the yolink sensor. Now that seems to be broken. I’ll have to figure out why it’s not happy. So some things are fine, but a couple aren’t.

Update: Everything is working OK now that I found what was causing my issues. I have a single homekit home, but I’m VPN connected between 2 physical sites. I have 2 homepods at the remote site. For some reason, whenever they are allowed to reach the internet, one of the becomes the active homekit hub. That’s when all my stuff at home starts hanging. This never happened with the older architecture, but I’m going to have to assume that it’s here to stay. I guess I’ll finally have to run those as a separate “home” from here on out, or they’ll cause issues. Sad, because it always worked fine before. What I really wish was that apple would have a “hub disable” switch for homepods, or at least let you set primary and backup hubs. I’ve got about 16 qualifying devices and it would be great if I could pick the best ones to act as the actual hub.


I also did the upgrade to the new architecture. No problems so far!

The HomeKit architecture upgrade is only available for people with a HomeKit Hub, correct?

I do see the upgrade in the (Apple) Home App on my iPhone, but get a “A home hub is required to allow shared users continued access to this home”. I am only using the HomeKit integration to expose HA devices to Siri. I am not using the HomeKit Controller integration and don’t have (and don’t want) a Apple TV, iPad, HomePod as hub.

I was just wondering if the upgrade is not applicable for this setup. Anyone knows?

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Wondering the same

I believe that’s correct. You will need a hub. The cheapest way is probably to get a homepod mini, but I fell in love with everything, and have 5 apple TV’s in various places and basically don’t ever use anything else to stream video. I even stream our antenna and play via Apple TV. And the homepods were so nice I have over a dozen of them scattered in 4 buildings over 2 sites.

To complete my above post, everything is working well after the upgrade to the new homekit style. I did end up just splitting my 2 main sites into 2 separate “homes”, which got rid of my 2nd site becoming a hub for my first. In the end it was a good thing to do and I shouldn’t have waited so long.

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@RVTim Do you have any automation, which uses media.player and TTS to let the homepod(s) say something? And is it still working after the update? For me it stopped working …