Here’s an interesting article on Python Garbage Collector. Worth reading to give you an insight to those unexplained memory leaks consuming available memory
thanks … is this something I can implement to help in my problem?
was going through Node-Red logs and noted the following (refer to line in bold)
23 Nov 15:03:41 - [info] Flows file : /config/node-red/flows.json
23 Nov 15:03:41 - [info] Server now running at
[15:03:41] INFO: Starting NGinx…
23 Nov 15:03:41 - [info] Starting flows
> nginx: [alert] detected a LuaJIT version which is not OpenResty’s; many optimizations will be disabled and performance will be compromised (see GitHub - openresty/luajit2: OpenResty's Branch of LuaJIT 2 for OpenResty’s LuaJIT or, even better, consider using the OpenResty releases from OpenResty - Download)
23 Nov 15:03:41 - [info] Started flows
23 Nov 15:03:46 - [info] [server:Home Assistant] WebSocket Connected to http://hassio/homeassistant
Could this be the issue or this is normal?
I’m not sure, I’m running the official release of NodeRED v1.03 from here:
And I’m not getting that ‘LuaJIT’ error.
What version of NodeRED are you running? I know some older versions had some memory issues.
im using v5.0.3
Hmm, by the sounds of it something has caused your NodeRED install to go bad if you are getting errors, you should be getting no errors.
I would remove it and install the latest v1.03 which was released 2 days ago from the link I posted, here’s what my log shows and I get no errors:
Nov 23 18:45:15 pipi systemd[1]: Started Node-RED graphical event wiring tool.
Nov 23 18:45:16 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:16 - [info]
Nov 23 18:45:16 pipi Node-RED[16416]: Welcome to Node-RED
Nov 23 18:45:16 pipi Node-RED[16416]: ===================
Nov 23 18:45:16 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:16 - [info] Node-RED version: v1.0.3
Nov 23 18:45:16 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:16 - [info] Node.js version: v10.17.0
Nov 23 18:45:16 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:16 - [info] Linux 4.19.75-v7l+ arm LE
Nov 23 18:45:17 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:17 - [info] Loading palette nodes
Nov 23 18:45:19 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:19 - [info] Settings file : /home/pi/.node-red
Nov 23 18:45:19 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:19 - [info] Context store : 'default' [module=
Nov 23 18:45:19 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:19 - [info] User directory : /home/pi/.node-red
Nov 23 18:45:19 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:19 - [info] Server now running at http://127.0.
Nov 23 18:45:19 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:19 - [info] Active project : pipi_node_red
Nov 23 18:45:19 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:19 - [info] Flows file : /home/pi/.node-red
Nov 23 18:45:19 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:19 - [info] Starting flows
Nov 23 18:45:19 pipi Node-RED[16416]: 23 Nov 18:45:19 - [info] Started flows
Be sure to back to your flows first.
I installed mine from the add-ons … will take make a difference?
today problem occurred again, and Pi was restarted just yesterday due to a power failure.
As usual I was not able to connect via https and CLI was very very slow when using the domain URL.
Once I arrived home and connected to my wifi, I tried to connect to CLI using the private IP address and Pi came back to live!!! Even using the domain URL started working. Any ideas of what is the issue?
Yes I think the addon includes lots of extras, but I don’t use the addon myself, so don’t know a whole lot about it.
Any ideas of what is the issue?
I’m afraid not, just keep checking top
or htop
if you can to check what process if gobbling up your memory, in fact you can even record memory usage to the HA database.
EDIT: Something like this:
Thanks… I done that… But now I found something new check out my last post
Did you manage to see how much RAM is being used when it was very slow? Or were you unable to even load top
or htop
Your system’s slow because you’re now using SWAP memory, this will kill your SDCard faster than anything.
node-red appears to be using 37.6% of your total system RAM.
I am using an SSD (120GB) … how can I improve the SWAP problem?
Disable node-red.
ok … currently i am moving my automations to the in build automations of HA but it will take some time
thanks, but what I meant is that while the Pi had the problem, it was not very responsive and was not able to sort by Mem from my mobile phone
That’s due to the 30x load it has from the memory swapping going on.
yes I noticed that … so problem is that 1GB RAM is not enough?