Is it possible to configure several HomeAssistant Docker containers to act as a Docker Swarm?

Hi everyone :slightly_smiling_face:,

Building on quasar66ā€™s description of his setup, I have created a similiar solution to his, which is setup easily using Ansible playbooks. It runs on Docker swarm and creates a stack running Home Assistant, MariaDB in a Galera cluster and Mosquitto broker.

The project is called HAHA - Highly Available Home Assistant, you can check it out in this thread: HAHA - Highly Available Home Assistant

Thanks to quasar66, I hope the project helps you out!


Thank you for the description of your design @quasar66 . Can you please explain how does ā€œall devices are either from mqtt or use another type of network detection, so it does not matter where the device isā€ work? If a Z-Wave based sensor is connected to node n1 and n1 fails. How would you get events from the sensor?

You wouldnā€™t. What they mean is that the devices in use are controlled over the network, and as such can be accessed from any node, in contrast to a Z-Wave stick or other directly connected which can only be attached to a single host.

devices = the computers HA runs on? or the Z-Wave devices?

hi i was wondering if any of you guys had this working as a non Dockerā€¦ but running OS version of home assistantā€¦ i asked for a feature request

as i run HA Supervisid OS in a VM under unraid

my current solution is i set it upā€¦ shut it down copy to my 2nd unraid boxā€¦ power up the VM change my name to backupHomeā€¦ and my main is HomeAssistant

so i have a failoverā€¦

have you guys been able to tackle it in the OS you create a dashboard and it instantly updates the dashboards on the backup home assistants? does that docker thing work there for the OS version?

so i can have like 3 identical KVM VM OS version runningā€¦ as the Docker of HA in unraid not as good as the VM