@JDv1 - can u please share to config?
did u create 2 bots on same account?
how did u get the chat_id from the bot did u create a group first?
The yaml is still the same as in the picture above. I have one bot and sen to two group ids. One group with bot for me and a group with bot for my girlfriend. One you created the groups add @IDbot to the group and it will give you the id. For me I gave me a number with a minus sign in front of it you have to include this in home assistant so -12345678
Telegram Account
Account -1 is on xxxxx mobile number (My 1st telegram account)
Account -2 is on yyyyy mobile number (my 2nd telegram account)
I want to configure telegram notification on xxxxx mobile number (chat id-111111) & able to push notifications to 1st telegram account on my mobile
I called to service name as abc in home assistant
my second number telegram account with the number yyyyy number and my chat id is 222222
I called to service name as xyz in home assistant
this chat id I added this a Yamal configuration. no configuration error in the home assistant when i check.
when I call service abc it’s not pushing the message to the telegram account with mobile number xxxx. when I call the service xyz for my second telegram account no mobile no yyyy it’s not pushing the message to my snd telegram account
please let me know how can add an additional account
Sreekant K
I know this is an old thread, but I spent way too much time last night trying to figure this out. This configuration works perfectly for me, thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for this @PuckStar (post 13 in this thread). One Bot posting to two (or more) chats is good enough for me. Good to know Node-Red can do something if I want to use multiple Bots one day.
Maybe worth mentioning that adding “GetIDs Bot” as a user to your group (three dots / View Group info / Add Members) returns a message with the chat id.
Without the right chat id you get:
[homeassistant.components.telegram_bot] Error sending message: Chat not found.
https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/telegram/ refers to the GetIDs Bot on initial set-up. Other bots are available, but I need to get out of this rabbit hole. Last thing, I don’t know if it matters, in notify: that initial set-up page has platform followed by name, whereas this solution has name followed by platform.
Hi, the way to create 2 bots doesn’t exist yet right?
I can’t use 2 groups and I want to use 2 bots.
Anyone figure it out?
Do not forget to search for your bot, then press start. Steps 5 and 6 in the Telegram integration instructions
You need to use “-100” before the Telegram group id. And everything will work out)
Thank you very much!
Was having problems and this solved it.