Is it possible to integrate with Google Home?

Few services have native support with Google Home, f.ex Logitech Harmony has to be called with “Hey Google, ask Harmony to ___”.
But when I was scrolling through available services, I found Harmony (which recently got supported) but also HomeSeer! How about Home Assistant?
Is anyone working on a service?
Is it possible?

Although I would love a native home automation "Hey Google, close the blinds

This would be awesome too:
“Hey Google, ask Home Assistant to close the blinds”

with emulated_hue you can do just that

Aaah… I never checked it out because I thought it was only for Philips Hue

Is this because Philips Hue is a native service?

Is it stable/good enough or will there be any future services from Home Assistant?
I guess for it to work properly, Home Assistant would have to provide a separate server for the service-part, which makes it a bit of a hassle?

FOr the moment it works perferctly

I have to say “Hey Google, turn off the blinds.” with emulated_hue. It sounds a little stupid but it works.

Is there anyway that I can make it work with “close the blinds” instead?

There is a challenge that I noticed with emulated hue and blinds. If I say “Hey Google, turn off all my lights” when I leave the house it closes my blinds. This is because google home sees the blinds as a light.

You should disable the light from the emulated_hue (or just disable hue light leaving other if you have, like Yeelight or Magiclight) so the command will use only the Hue physical hub items.

PS not a bad idea to close the blinds when you leave home :wink:

Exactly, so the integration might still need some work.

Another thing: can I receive information through this?
Q “Hey Google, what’s the temperature in the big bedroom?”
A “The temperature is X and the relative humidity is Y”

Is this possible? I have my sensors set up with RFXCOM 433MHz, and just need a way to get Google to tell me what they are.

I think this might be the way to go: I’m not sure if this will require a unique project per user installation, or if it can be generalised for the entire HA project

You can create shortcuts in Google home app. You say “close the blinds” but tell Assistant that means it should run “turn off the blinds” works well but just another step

That’s a great suggestion!

Unfortunately “Shortcuts” has disappeared from the app, so I cannot change my shortcuts anymore.
There are several issues outside US which google doesn’t seem to want to change, f.ex. “Photos and Videos” and “Music” are all missing content in my app, although they still work. I have to change my iPhone language to “US English” for Netflix, Spotify etc. to show up.

But the shortcut menu is gone no matter what…