Is my HA Secure?

It was.

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And soā€¦ how does Google / Apple / etc now connect to the server to control devices?

Sorry, I donā€™t understand the question. Why would third parties other than known clients need to initiate connections to my HA web endpoint? And even less to control devices.

I use pfsense with the pfblockerng and snort add-on. The pfblocker can block many of the scanners like shodan. As well as known tor ips. And it is a pretty good ad blocker as well. While snort will block quite a bit of crap too

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Because the original post very clearly said -

So that is the basis of this entire thread. How to secure HA while ALSO being able to use the Google Assistant to control the devices.

Oh, I see. No, I was talking only regarding the subtopic of security. Connecting to Google is not my intention.

My home assistant is public because of SmartThings and Bosh/Siemens webhooks. I am using Cloudflare CDN with WAF and bot fighting mode enabled and I have literaly 0 failed login attempts. And itā€™s free.

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Being behind Cloudflareā€™s WAF is also a no-brainer. If you donā€™t mind them decrypting your traffic (most people donā€™t).

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