Is there a way to turn LG webOS TV screen off?

THis turns off the TV not the screen . Screen off is great when playing music

are you running HA release 2021.4 or above ?

Yes, I am running on latest stable. I have an C8 running webos 5.30.10 - I have no idea how to check if this model/os version actually supports this feature.

Try running any command from aiopylgtv/aiopylgtv/ at 3f610fec85904ba95e3b74fbe7f32ae8f2ceacce · bendavid/aiopylgtv · GitHub does any commands work ?

Do the standard media command work with LG webOS Smart TV - Home Assistant

are you running Home Assistant Operating System ?

Earlier thread

Yeah, everything works fine except for some commands (haven’t tested every single one though).

I know for a fact that it worked with a C9, haven’t met anyone who can confirm it works with a c8, that’s why I suggested it might only work with newer models.

ah, I misunderstood.

hi have you found a solution for this. I have the same problem and the same message in my logs. other commands I tried are working fine.

No, sorry. Which model do you have?

it is a 2017-2018 model I think. 49SK8100PLA

Old topic so sorry for bump but as all searches lead here.

Looks like this is not supported on 2018 models. I have a LG C8 but get the error posted above (404 no such service or method The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception). I also have a C1 (2021) where it works fine.

I have an LG TV UF860V with webos
Home assistant 2023.4
This worked for me:

 id: '1681593874380'
  alias: TV - Switch Off when Apple TV is off
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    - media_player.apple_tv_living_room_2
    to: 'off'
  condition: []
  - service: webostv.command
      entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_tv_uf860v
      command: system/turnOff
  mode: single

Command from here: aiopylgtv/ at 3f610fec85904ba95e3b74fbe7f32ae8f2ceacce · bendavid/aiopylgtv · GitHub


I‘ve just made a script in HA with:

alias: LG WebOS Screen Off - OLED48A
  - service: webostv.command
      entity_id: media_player.oled_48a19
      command: com.webos.service.tvpower/power/turnOffScreen
mode: single

And it just works. This is so awesome with Alexa for a sleep command, like listen to a YouTube video, screen off and tv off in 10 minutes.

I have 3 LG OLEDs but only tested it on my 48A1.

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Upgraded from GX to C3, this is what I use now too.