Is there a way to turn LG webOS TV screen off?

THis turns off the TV not the screen . Screen off is great when playing music

are you running HA release 2021.4 or above ?

Yes, I am running on latest stable. I have an C8 running webos 5.30.10 - I have no idea how to check if this model/os version actually supports this feature.

Try running any command from aiopylgtv/aiopylgtv/ at 3f610fec85904ba95e3b74fbe7f32ae8f2ceacce · bendavid/aiopylgtv · GitHub does any commands work ?

Do the standard media command work with LG webOS Smart TV - Home Assistant

are you running Home Assistant Operating System ?

Earlier thread

Yeah, everything works fine except for some commands (haven’t tested every single one though).

I know for a fact that it worked with a C9, haven’t met anyone who can confirm it works with a c8, that’s why I suggested it might only work with newer models.

ah, I misunderstood.

hi have you found a solution for this. I have the same problem and the same message in my logs. other commands I tried are working fine.

No, sorry. Which model do you have?

it is a 2017-2018 model I think. 49SK8100PLA

Old topic so sorry for bump but as all searches lead here.

Looks like this is not supported on 2018 models. I have a LG C8 but get the error posted above (404 no such service or method The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception). I also have a C1 (2021) where it works fine.

I have an LG TV UF860V with webos
Home assistant 2023.4
This worked for me:

 id: '1681593874380'
  alias: TV - Switch Off when Apple TV is off
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    - media_player.apple_tv_living_room_2
    to: 'off'
  condition: []
  - service: webostv.command
      entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_tv_uf860v
      command: system/turnOff
  mode: single

Command from here: aiopylgtv/ at 3f610fec85904ba95e3b74fbe7f32ae8f2ceacce · bendavid/aiopylgtv · GitHub


I‘ve just made a script in HA with:

alias: LG WebOS Screen Off - OLED48A
  - service: webostv.command
      entity_id: media_player.oled_48a19
      command: com.webos.service.tvpower/power/turnOffScreen
mode: single

And it just works. This is so awesome with Alexa for a sleep command, like listen to a YouTube video, screen off and tv off in 10 minutes.

I have 3 LG OLEDs but only tested it on my 48A1.

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Upgraded from GX to C3, this is what I use now too.


Hello everyone! Thanks for the help. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a script that toggles the tv screen instead of turning it on or off? Not sure how to get the current screen state and then choose what to do. My idea is to have keyboard shortcut that toggles the screen on/off using Hass Agent. Thanks!

@Zorckmorck had it above.

for a full list of commands, look here:

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