Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

It took me all evening but I finally got the edl install process to work on Windows 11. @mattmon your instructions on your github repo and files on Google Drive differ a little from those in this post FYI.

Things I had to do to get it to work on Windows

Install git and bash for Windows

From here. While you can probably do this entire process with command prompt, I did so using git bash.

Install libusb-win32 drivers for the device using Zadig

  1. Open and download Zadig.
  2. Plug the device in to power and USB to your PC.
  3. In zadig, click Options > List All Devices.
  4. In the dropdown select the device named Android (given that you do not have another generic Android device plugged in).
  5. In the target driver window select libusb-win32 and then click Replace Driver.
  6. After the driver has successfully installed unplug the device’s power cable.

Replace libusb-1.0.dll

I’m not sure why it hasn’t been fixed given that there’s a closed bug that describes this as the fix, but the copy of libusb-1.0.dll that comes with edl doesn’t work on my machine.

  1. Install edl as described for Windows, including installing UsbDk.
  2. Download libusb- from this release and unzip it with 7zip.
  3. Navigate to libusb-1.0.26\VS2015\MS64\dll and copy libusb-1.0.dll.
  4. Paste libusb-1.0.dll at edl\edlclient\Windows, overwriting the copy that came with edl.

Copy the rom bin folder into the flash folder

I’m not sure why, but edl on Windows running in bash expects bin\rawprogram.xml to also appear in the flash folder. Just copy (not cut) this folder to the flash folder.