Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

Thank you - I had missed that note in the instructions…

You REALLY don’t want to skip step 7.

For one, navigation commands are not enabled until provisioning is completed.

It may appear to be working fine, but trust me, send the provisioning commands.

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Thank you !

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I got one from Amazon today. $22 shipped and its brand new.

Neat, now lets see what I can do with it

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I am not new to Ubuntu- I have three servers at home running Ubuntu. Can someone PLEASE provide step-by-step flash instructions without the spaghetti bowl of instructions in the first post and subsequent github pages?

Sphagetti bowl means:
Do this …
or do this …
then if you are using a MAC do this …
Windows …
unless …
the instructions are for Ubuntu …
install more from github …
which says to install something else from github …
Or not …

On the PC:

or on Ubuntu:

I did it yesterday with my Raspberry Pi, so this should essentially be the same for Ubuntu:

  1. Go into / create your directory of choice
  2. Run the following commands, to prepare the required binaries and the EDL tool
sudo apt install adb fastboot python3-dev python3-pip liblzma-dev git
sudo apt purge modemmanager
git clone
cd edl
git submodule update --init --recursive
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo cp Drivers/51-edl.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo cp Drivers/50-android.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
python3 build
sudo python3 install
  1. Download the files linked in the OP
  2. It took me quite a while to get the paths right, so in the end I just extracted the files to a folder “kingston”, verified the file structure is identical to the structure inside the zip, and then moved the whole folder inside the edl/ directory, where the git repository was cloned to
    default boot screen is vertical, if you want to change that, you need to do it before flashing the device, by renaming splash.bin to splash.bin.vert and splash.bin.horiz to splash.bin (see Extras & Notes in OP)
  3. cd into the edl/ directory (if not there yet) and run the command:
./edl qfil /home/<username>/edl/kingston/bin/rawprogram.xml /home/<username>/edl/kingston/bin/patch0.xml /home/<username>/edl/kingston/flash --loader=/home/<username>/edl/kingston/bin/prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn
  1. Continue with the instructions as in the opening post (step 3: remove rubber plug and connect the Lenovo device via USB C > press both volume buttons and connect the power to the device > when done remove power cable > start device with volume button up pressed into recovery mode > factory reset and reboot again > run the ADB commands from step 7 to finish the setup and also do the Extras & Notes if you want to use it without adb commands for navigation)

After a lot of fiddling around yesterday (Windows Secure Boot makes it practically impossible to use the Qualcomm drivers, since they are not signed - took me a while to figure that out, switching to a Linux OS - Raspbian on my Raspberry in that case made things a lot easier), I finally got 3 of my 4 Lenovo Thinksmarts to work.

Wonderful job, thanks a lot for the instructions - let’s see how they behave longterm.

Does anybody here have, or know how to do, a backup of the original firmware?
I still have one device left, and would like to have a backup (just in case). So as of now, I could still perform (and share) a backup, if someone could advise me how to?

Thank you for the step-by-step. I got a lot further than with my clumsy efforts.

Where you said: “Run the ADB commands from step 7 to finish the setup and also do the Extras & Notes if you want to use it without adb commands for navigation”…

What the heck is “ADB”? Where and how do I run an ADB command?

Here is where I am at now. What do I do next?

OP took a lot of time putting this together. All the instructions are there. Why not show some respect and just try them? After that, if you have suggestions on how to make things more concise, I’m sure everyone could benefit. Or if you have questions, ask them. I haven’t done this yet, so I could probably benefit as well. Thanks!


Run the ADB command (type adb shell etc… as written) from the same Terminal window you have used to flash the unit in the first place. Unit still plugged in USB.

First Step 7 to finish the provisioning.

Then this step ;

  • Install a navigation bar:
    adb install extras/virtualsoftkeys.apk

To install the app that will give you the navigation capability (the 3 buttons at the bottom of the Android screen that allow you to navigate).

Makes sense ?

First, I agree that the OP has provided an excellent resource. But his installation instructions lacks structure, which I called the spaghetti bowl.

I did try a few times over many hours to follow the instructions in the first post. Scanning more than 100 posts on this thread tells me that it wasn’t just a senior moment on my part as more than a few have had similar difficulties. Mostly with path errors.

The step-by-step provided by @jakhei got me much further than I had gotten in my previous attempts. The OP says to run these ADB commands… The OP assumes that I know what an ADB command is. What the heck is an ADB command and how do I run them?

steve@steve-NUC8i3BEH:~/edl$ adb root && adb remount
restarting adbd as root

Ten minutes later, I did a CTRL-Z since nothing was happening. What did I miss?

The next ADB command ran without error:
steve@steve-NUC8i3BEH:~/edl$ adb shell mv /system/media/ /system/media/

Then the next gave me yet another “no such file…” error:

steve@steve-NUC8i3BEH:~/edl$ adb shell mv /system/media/ /system/media/
mv: bad '/system/media/': No such file or directory

I am assuming that the boot animation is the animated Home Assistant logo. It looks nice but I can live with it in the vertical for now. (Actually, I may prefer the vertical mode to take up less desktop space.)

In the OP’s “Extra and Notes”:
“In Aurora setup, choose ‘Aurora Services’ when asked for an installer.”
I never saw an “Aurora Setup”.

Now, I am scanning the 150 or so posts to find how to get Home Assistant on the device.

@deadman96385’s thread on XDA contains links to download stock firmware. They flash similarly to this rom; use rawprogram_unsparse.xml.

Aurora setup happens the first time aurora store is run.

Choosing “aurora services” enables the store to use a privileged helper which makes the app installation process more seamless.

You aren’t unboxing a retail product here, you are leveraging open source tools to make a product to do something other than what was intended by the manufacturer.

So yeah, there’s a learning curve :grin:

If you wanted to contribute instructions with wording more clear and concise than mine, I’ll consider posting them above.

Edit: Also, if anyone wants to contribute a set of instructions for windows users, I’ll put that up top too!


thanks - wasn’t sure that was the stock firmware, then I’ll just store that as a backup and go on with flashing my last device!

No, I just get the store.

Yes, I never expected an easy to install, finished product. As experienced as I am with Ubuntu, I know absolutely nothing about Android. I didn’t even know what an adb command was until Post 57.

Challenge accepted.

I am still reading through the posts trying to figure out how to get Home Assistant on the device. Installing HA from the store only gives me a page full of errors.


I restarted the device and Home Assistant was on the home page. It is working despite the page of errors that came with the install from the Aurora store.

I picked up a couple of these and was able to flash them both (with a little bit of back and forth) on my MacBook Pro. However once booted adb is not detecting the device (it doesn’t show in System Information as best I can tell either so I don’t think it’s even exposing itself as a USB device). I’ve tried a number of different high quality USB-C cables as well as using a USB-C to USB-A cable in an adapter, all no dice.

To add insult to injury, going into Settings → System → About phone and clicking repeatedly on the build number does nothing to enable developer mode.

Any ideas? I assume I just need developer mode enabled to be able to enable adb but I’m kind of stuck.

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I picked up a couple of these and was able to flash them both (with a little bit of back and forth) on my MacBook Pro. However once booted adb is not detecting the device (it doesn’t show in System Information as best I can tell either so I don’t think it’s even exposing itself as a USB device). I’ve tried a number of different high quality USB-C cables as well as using a USB-C to USB-A cable in an adapter, all no dice.

To add insult to injury, going into Settings → System → About phone and clicking repeatedly on the build number does nothing to enable developer mode.

Any ideas? I assume I just need developer mode enabled to be able to enable adb but I’m kind of stuck.

I used a MacBook Pro as well, and this is exactly the problem I was stuck with after flashing one over my Christmas break. Both the not being detected by the Macbook after getting the hacked rom running, and the “no developer mode” symptom. I have minimal Android experience, but have added dev mode to some google tv/chromecast sticks and tvs, so I’m at least familiar with that part.

I got very sick right after and haven’t had time to pick this project back up since recovering. I’m planning on starting over later this weekend and will share any results (success or otherwise), but if anyone else has any suggestions in the meantime, I’d be most appreciative!

I never needed to go into the “Developer Mode”, for my installation but tapping the build number a few times put me into the developer mode.

Out of curiosity what does your build number say?

I’m having the same issue. I did notice that as the tablet boots, I get a popup on my mac asking to connect, but it disappears rapidly. Once the computer won’t connect. I also can’t seem to enable developer mode.

My build number is Lenono_Kingston_OS_PV_191011_V0.0.35-userdebug-PIN-Test