Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

It appears so

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Excellent work! Following for updates.

It looks like a few people have been trying already, but in my mind with two additional features, this would be pretty much perfect:

  1. Local wakeword detection
  2. Being able to cast to this (ex. a YouTube video) or use it as a media player

Regardless, pricepoint is hard to beat for the functionality it already has.

Failing to properly provision like the instructions mention will definitely create the issue described. I did the same thing, skipping that step and experiencing odd behaviors.

Bugger I forgot about that. Bloody US adapters, pita. What’s on the device end?

So I’m finally getting around to trying this. The installation instructions mention to extract the 7zip into the edl directory. However, since there is no flash/ directory in the 7z, I think you mean that we should extract it to the edl/flash/ directory.

You could splice on another 20v adapter or just use a converter. Be aware that the barrel jack end is quite a snug fit on the molded section so you’d have a find/modify a similar connector if that’s the approach you choose.

I believe the connector is 4.0x1.7 but can’t explicitly verify that.


I have a few 19v laptop supplies that may work.

The devices arrived by courier to the office yesterday, but I am trying to avoid it as I am on holiday.

This my issue. User error. Let me fix that and try again. Thanks everyone

Get ready to buy more…

It’s already built into Fully Kiosk Browser. I just installed the Fully Kiosk component in HA, and lo and behold:

Too late to mess with audio, but looks like Fully gives you a standard media_player to use!


Good to know! Let us know if it works; playing media has been hit or miss depending on the source/app on the device.

Great looking setup. That thinksmart fits right in!

Seeing all of you successfully deploying these devices is SO satisfying :grin:

It sure does beat the landfill :orange_heart:


@mattmon Can you please correct this in the OP?

Works/sounds great. It even works when no motion has been detected and the display is off. Just using a normal play_media call eg:

service: media_player.play_media
    - media_player.lenovo_cd_18781y
  media_content_id: http://192.168.x.y:8123/local/audio/doorbell.mp3
  media_content_type: music

Note for anyone reading only this post: the media_player bit I am referencing is using the Fully Kiosk integration, and the ThinkSmart is running Fully Kiosk, not the companion app.

As mentioned before, sound quality is quite nice, and volume at 75ish is plenty loud to hear in the room it’s in.

Thanks @mattmon – I never thought I’d have to make my own dashboards (generally use Google/Apple apps) but I guess now I have to deal with that :laughing:.

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I’m guessing it only shows up as a media player in HA and not as a Google Cast device on say your phone? I’d REALLY like to be able to cast Spotify or a Podcast from my phone to it (I know this is possible within HA, but I’d prefer the flexibility). This is at least halfway there for me though!

Yes, but I also installed Spotify on the Lenovo and can play to it from Spotify on my phone!

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Welp, that was convincing enough. I have two Nest Hubs that I’ve used with catt & browser_mod to get reasonable results, but between things constantly breaking up, Google reducing what can be done with Nest devices every day and my Fully Kiosk tablet proving rock solid, this might be a better solution to replace the hubs.

I’ve ordered one, if it does everything I hope it can, there might be a second in a few weeks. I’ll report back when I have something working :smiley:

So i got everything up and running per the helpful guide and tips from others on here. I’m having one issue i’m not sure about. It seems like every time i wake the screen it revers the adaptive brightness option in the display options and also prevents the screen from going to sleep. Is this a issue related to provisioning not fully taking or something else?

I’ve noticed that too when using with wall panel. Now trying ha companion

I’ve also noticed that but thought it had something to do with Fully Kiosk Browser.

For now, I’m using the FKB integration to dim the display when my computer is not active and brighten it when I’m at my desk. It’s not great though and I’m debating adding a brightness slider to my dashboard or using an external a lux sensor, neither of which I want to do.

I need some inspiration for a fancy and lightweight dashboard :slight_smile: