Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

Thanks for explaining, and too bad as I guess they have absolutely no interest in updating anything (nor publish/leak any updates).

I have successfully been installing various other Android apps on it alongside the HA companion app today. It’s a fine little device. Only thing that currently does not fly is the ability to (un)mirror camera in Grocy-Android allowing it to scan barcodes.

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ADB version shouldn’t matter, unless it’s really ancient.

I think the most likely cause of ADB issues is one of two things:

  1. incorrect or missing USB permissions.
    run adb as a privileged user or adjust device permissions to allow 05c6:901d

  2. cable without the otg resistor in it.
    Higher quality cables, like those packaged with phones tend to have it. Dollar store or Amazon cables may or may not.

For sure, this was definitely a “me” issue comprised of my specific hardware/software and some compatibility issue.

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Would love to see some of the dashboards that you all come up with for this thing. Please share!


I’m planning to get me one of these. I have one question: after flashing the device will it install the HA android app? In the XDA forums I read it won’t install the HA app.

Would love to do so, but currently I still don’t get it flashed. Just to check if it generally works, I switched it on and connected it to my Exchange, Teams works good, but I reallly don’t get the EDL to work as it should - and I don’t know how many times I went through the installation guide and followed every instruction.

Since there are about 60 fixes/corrections since the original post, could someone please summarize how to get Home Assistant on the device? Mine just arrived today and I would like to get to the end result without repeating all of the prior trial and error installations.

I think @mattmon has been keeping the first post updated.

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Thanks for this tip @MikeMikeMike I was in the same boat as you

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Nothing substantial about the procedure in my first post has changed.

95% of the rest of this thread is support for people having difficulty.

If you’re comfortable on the command line, you’re not going to have any problems.

All paths are relative to the directory from which edl is being run. The command example assumes the rom has been extracted in the same directory as your edl binary. If not, then you must update the paths in the command arguments to reflect the correct location of the extracted rom on your file system.

The TAB key is your friend :nerd_face:

Lol, yes.


Thanks, I am glad to see you keeping the first post up to date. I will be diving in over the next day or two.

Thanks @mattmon not sure why this didn’t click right away, makes perfect sense.

If anybody has gotten to this and is still confused it should look something like this, keep in mind im on a mac:

./edl qfil /Users/<user directory>/edl/kingston-ha-rom/bin/rawprogram.xml /Users/<user directory>/edl/kingston-ha-rom/bin/patch0.xml /Users/<user directory>/kingston-ha-rom/flash/ --loader=/Users/<user directory>/kingston-ha-rom/bin/prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn
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How many times did you have to enter the wrong password?

Not sure what I’m doing wrong… but I’m doing it a lot :slight_smile:

I’m not getting past the edl step…

./edl qfil bin/rawprogram.xml bin/patch0.xml flash/ --loader=bin/prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn

this is what the terminal generates:

Capstone library is missing (optional).
Keystone library is missing (optional).
Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client V3.62 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2023.
main - Using loader bin/prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn ...
main - Waiting for the device
main - Device detected :)
sahara - Protocol version: 2, Version supported: 1
main - Mode detected: sahara
sahara - 
Version 0x2
HWID:              0x000660e160008000 (MSM_ID:0x000660e1,OEM_ID:0x6000,MODEL_ID:0x8000)
CPU detected:      "APQ8053"
PK_HASH:           0xb9eca30dfea4693497b6ac7eec81d006967281e259eb9ac239f9ce6dabb70c14
Serial:            0xe2e8a11f

sahara - Protocol version: 2, Version supported: 1
sahara - Uploading loader bin/prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn ...
sahara - 32-Bit mode detected.
sahara - Firehose mode detected, uploading...
sahara - Loader successfully uploaded.
main - Trying to connect to firehose loader ...
firehose_client - [LIB]: No --memory option set, we assume "eMMC" as default ..., if it fails, try using "--memory" with "UFS","NAND" or "spinor" instead !
firehose - TargetName=MSM8953
firehose - MemoryName=eMMC
firehose - Version=1
firehose - Trying to read first storage sector...
firehose - Running configure...
firehose - Storage report:
firehose - total_blocks:15269888
firehose - block_size:512
firehose - page_size:512
firehose - num_physical:3
firehose - mfr_id:21
firehose - serial_num:4214704327
firehose - fw_version:6
firehose - mem_type:eMMC
firehose - prod_name:8GTF4R
firehose_client - Supported functions:
firehose_client - [qfil] raw programming...
firehose_client - [LIB]: File : dump/bin/rawprogram.xml not found.
firehose_client - [qfil] raw programming ok.
firehose_client - [qfil] patching...
firehose_client - [qfil] patching with bin/patch0.xml
firehose_client - [LIB]: File : dump/bin/patch0.xml not found.
firehose_client - [qfil] patching ok
firehose - Setbootablestoragedrive succeeded.
firehose_client - [qfil] partition(0) is now bootable

So it seems like it runs correctly?

Then I unplug and replug the tablet and it reboots the the microsoft teams page… When I try

adb shell settings put secure user_setup_complete 1

I get

adb: no devices/emulators found

This is from a Mac. I don’t know what else to try…

Thanks for your help!

Edl appears to be complaining of missing libraries and then skipping the flash stage.

Install the missing libs, rebuild edl and try again.

Also, check your paths:

i did a few reboots and password tries. not sure at the exact number but def more than 5.

Edit, with correct solution:

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Tried both of these suggestions and neither worked, sends me straight to the password screen. Ive entered the wrong password more times then i can count and it doesn’t do anything.

Try using fastboot to erase userdata.

Hold volume down while powering on.

Fastboot devices
Check for a connected device.

fastboot erase userdata
fastboot reboot

Thank you! That solved it for me!