ISS sensor - not working?

@HemiBob and @klogg. I ‘borrowed’ your new code for ISS sensor and the binary sensor, thank you. Working well in setup and shows in Lovelace OK, however the ‘next rise’ times keep randomly changing and I’ve yet to catch an actual Visible now. I have an automation to flash my sons bedroom light red when the binary sensor triggers but so far no joy and no binary sensor trigger. Do you have it working OK?

Hmm. Using the original integration, I sometimes don’t see visible when it should be, or several minutes later with a duration of more than 1 hour (Germany). I suspect pyiss which relies on “the API returning only one value which means the ISS is above location”. Would be nice if this could be repaired in pyiss.

EDIT: Might be worth reading, some caching problems and quirks revealed!